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Anh chàng cao kều A very tall man an˧˧ caŋ˧˨ kaw˧˧ kɛu˧˨

Written by Cornelius Gulere

Illustrated by Catherine Groenewald

Translated by Nana Trang

Language Vietnamese

Level Level 2

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Có cái cuốc quá ngắn.

His hoe was too short.

kɔ˦˥ kaj˦˥ kuək˦˥ wa˦˥ ŋăŋ˦˥

Cửa vào nhà anh thấp tịt.

His doorway was too low.

kɯə˨˩˦ jaw˧˨ ɲa˧˨ an˧˧ tʰɤ̆p˦˥ tit˨˩˨

Cái giường của anh ngắn cũn.

His bed was too short.

kaj˦˥ jɯəŋ˧˨ kuə˨˩˦ an˧˧ ŋăŋ˦˥ @cũn

Xe đạp của anh thấp tè.

His bicycle was too short.

sɛ˧˧ dap˨˩˨ kuə˨˩˦ an˧˧ tʰɤ̆p˦˥ tɛ˧˨

Anh chàng lại quá cao!

This man was too tall!

an˧˧ caŋ˧˨ laj˨˩˨ wa˦˥ kaw˧˧

Anh bèn làm cái cuốc dài hơn.

He made a very long hoe handle.

an˧˧ bɛŋ˧˨ lam˧˨ kaj˦˥ kuək˦˥ jaj˧˨ hɤŋ˧˧

Anh bèn làm khung cửa cao lên.

He made very high door frames.

an˧˧ bɛŋ˧˨ lam˧˨ xuŋ͡m˧˧ kɯə˨˩˦ kaw˧˧ len˧˧

Anh bèn làm cái giường dài thêm.

He made a very long bed.

an˧˧ bɛŋ˧˨ lam˧˨ kaj˦˥ jɯəŋ˧˨ jaj˧˨ tʰem˧˧

And bèn mua cái xe đạp cao hơn.

He bought a very high bicycle.

@and bɛŋ˧˨ muə˧˧ kaj˦˥ sɛ˧˧ dap˨˩˨ kaw˧˧ hɤŋ˧˧

Anh ngồi ăn trên cái ghế cao kều. Và anh ta ăn với cái nĩa dài thòong.

He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.

an˧˧ ŋoj˧˨ ăŋ˧˧ ʈen˧˧ kaj˦˥ ɣe˦˥ kaw˧˧ kɛu˧˨ ja˧˨ an˧˧ ta˧˧ ăŋ˧˧ jɤj˦˥ kaj˦˥ niə˨˩˦ jaj˧˨ @thòong

Anh rời khỏi nhà và chuyển vào rừng sống. Và sống như vậy nhiều năm nữa.

He left his house and lived in a big forest. He lived for many years.

an˧˧ ʐɤj˧˨ xɔj˨˩˦ ɲa˧˨ ja˧˨ cwiəŋ˨˩˦ jaw˧˨ ʐɯŋ˧˨ ʂoŋ͡m˦˥ ja˧˨ ʂoŋ͡m˦˥ ɲɯ˧˧ jɤ̆j˨˩˨ ɲiəw˧˨ năm˧˧ nɯə˨˩˦

Written by: Cornelius Gulere
Illustrated by: Catherine Groenewald
Translated by: Nana Trang
Language: Vietnamese
Level 2
Source: A very tall man from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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