Muhuma wahae neuli omukuswani ahulu.
His hoe was too short.
Sa houe était trop courte.
Munyako wahae neuli mwa tasi ahulu.
His doorway was too low.
Sa porte d’entrée était trop basse.
Mumbeta wa hae neli omukuswani ahuli.
His bed was too short.
Son lit était trop court.
Njinga yahae neli yekuswani ahulu.
His bicycle was too short.
Sa bicyclette était trop petite.
Muuna yo neli yo mutelele ahulu.
This man was too tall!
Cet homme était trop grand.
Naipangezi muhuma omutelele.
He made a very long hoe handle.
Il fabriqua un long manche pour sa houe.
Nato panga minyako yemitelele ahulu.
He made very high door frames.
Il agrandit ses portes.
Natopanga mumbeta omutelele ahulu.
He made a very long bed.
Il fabriqua un très grand lit.
Natoleka njinga ye telele ahulu.
He bought a very high bicycle.
Il acheta une bicyclette très haute.
Natoina fa sipula sesitelele ahulu. Nachanga ni foloko yetelele ahulu.
He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.
Il s’assit sur une chaise très haute et mangea avec une très grande fourchette.
Nasihile ndu yahae ni kuyoina mwa mushitu wo mutuna. Napilile lilimo zen’gata.
He left his house and lived in a big forest. He lived for many years.
Il quitta sa maison et vécut dans une grande forêt. Il vécut pendant de longues années.