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Tom Sikusambala Mabbanana
Tom the banana seller
Tom le vendeur de bananes
Humphreys Odunga
Zablon Alex Nguku
Chester Mwanza
The audio for this story is currently not available.
Tom wanyamuna mabbanana apide mucinzuma.
Tom carries a tray of ripe bananas.
Tom transporte un plateau de bananes mûres.
Tom uunka kumusika mukusambala mabbanana.
Tom goes to the market to sell bananas.
Tom va au marché pour vendre des bananes.
Bantu kumusika baula micelo.
People at the market are buying fruit.
Les gens au marché achètent des fruits.
Pesi kunyina uula mabbanana akwe Tom. Balombozya kuula micelo kubamakaintu.
But no one is buying
Tom’s bananas.
They prefer to buy fruit from women.
Mais personne n’achète les bananes de Tom. Ils préfèrent acheter leurs fruits des femmes.
“Mu minzi yesu mbamakaintu biyo basambala micelo,” bantu baamba. “Mwalumi ulibuti oyu?” bantu babuzya.
“In our community, only women sell fruit,” people say. “What kind of a man is this?” people ask.
« Dans notre communauté, seulement les femmes vendent des fruits, » disent les gens. « Quelle sorte d’homme est celui-ci ? » demandent les gens.
Tom takatyompwa. Wakaita “Kamuula mabbanana angu! Kamuula mabbanana angu apide alimwi alweela!
But Tom does not give up.
He calls, “Buy my bananas!
Buy my sweet ripe bananas!”
Mais Tom ne démissionne pas. Il crie, « Achetez mes bananes ! Achetez mes bananes mûres et sucrées ! »
Omwi mukaintu wakanyamuna mabbanana kugusha mucinzuma. Walangishisha mabbanana.
One woman picks up a bunch of bananas from the tray.
She looks at the bananas carefully.
Une femme choisit un régime de bananes du plateau. Elle inspecte les bananes soigneusement.
Mukaintu waula mabbanana.
The woman buys the bananas.
La femme achète les bananes.
Bantu banji basika akula mabbanana kuli Tom akulya.
More people come to the stall.
They buy Tom’s bananas and eat them.
D’autres personnes viennent au stand. Elles achètent les bananes de Tom et les mangent.
Mukacindi kanini, mabbanana akamana. Tom wabala mali ngakasambala.
Soon, the tray is empty.
Tom counts the money he earned.
Bientôt, le plateau est vide. Tom compte l’argent qu’il a gagné.
Naakama, Tom wakaula nsipa, ccuka alimwi a cinkwa. Wakabika zyintu mucinzuma cakwe.
Then Tom buys soap, sugar, and bread.
He puts the things in his tray.
Ensuite, Tom achète du savon, du sucre et du pain. Il met les choses sur son plateau.
Tom wakatuka cinzuma amutwe akunka kung’anda.
Tom balances the tray on his head and goes home.
Tom balance le plateau sur sa tête et rentre chez lui.
Written by: Humphreys Odunga
Illustrated by: Zablon Alex Nguku
Translated by: Chester Mwanza