ፍየል፣ ዉሻና ላም ጥሩ ጓደኛሞች ነበሩ። አንድ ቀን በታክሲ ጉዞ ለማድረግ ተነሱ።
Goat, Dog, and Cow
were great friends. One
day they went on a
journey in a taxi.
Mbuzi, Mbwa na Ng’ombe walikuwa marafiki wa karibu sana. Siku moja walisafiri kwa teksi.
ከጉዟቸው መጨረሻ ሲደርሱም ታክሲ ነጂው መሳፈሪያቸውን እንዲከፍሉ ጠየቃቸው። ላም የራሷን ሒሳብ ከፈለች።
When they reached the
end of their journey, the
driver asked them to
pay their fares. Cow
paid her fare.
Walipofika mwisho wa safari yao, dereva aliwaomba walipe nauli zao. Ng’ombe alilipa nauli yake.
ዉሻ ትንሽ ተጨማሪ ከፈለች፤ ምክንያቱም ትክክለኛው ዓይነት ገንዘብ ስላልነበራት ነው።
Dog paid a bit extra,
because he did not
have the correct money.
Mbwa alilipa zaidi kidogo kwa sababu hakuwa na pesa taslimu.
ሹፌሩ ለዉሻው መልስ ሊሰጣት ሲል ፍየል ምንም ሳትከፍል ሮጠች።
The driver was about to
give Dog his change
when Goat ran away
without paying
Dereva alipokaribia kumpa Mbwa chenji yake, Mbuzi alitoroka bila kulipa chochote.
ሹፌሩ በጣም ስለተናደደ ለዉሻ ምንም መልስ ሳይሰጣት ሄደ።
The driver was very
annoyed. He drove
away without giving
Dog his change.
Dereva alikasirika sana. Aliondoka bila kumrudishia Mbwa chenji yake.
ለዚያ ነው ዛሬ ድረስ ዉሻ መኪና በመጣ ቁጥር እየሮጠች መልሷን ያልሰጣትን ሹፌር ፍለጋ ወደ መኪናው ውስጥ ለማየት የምትሞክረው።
That is why, even
today, Dog runs
towards a car to peep
inside and find the
driver who owes him his
Hiyo ndiyo sababu hadi leo Mbwa hukimbiza magari ili achungulie ndani kuona kama atampata dereva mwenye chenji yake.
ፍየል የመኪና ድምጽ ስትሰማ ትሮጣለች። ምክንያቱም ሂሳብ ስላልከፈለች እንዳትታሰር ስለምትፈራ ነው።
Goat runs away from
the sound of a car. She
is afraid she will be
arrested for not paying
her fare.
Mbuzi hukimbia anaposikia mlio wa gari. Anaogopa atakamatwa kwa kutolipa nauli.
ላም ግን መኪና ሲመጣ ምንም አትጨናነቅም። መንገድም ስታቋርጥ ተረጋግታ ነው፤ ምክንያቱም ሂሳብ የለባትማ።
And Cow is not
bothered when a car is
coming. Cow takes her
time crossing the road
because she knows she
paid her fare in full.
Na Ng’ombe hababaiki gari likiwa linakuja. Ng’ombe huvuka barabara bila wasiwasi kwa sababu anajua alilipa nauli yake yote.