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山羊、野狗、和水牛 Goat, Dog and Cow ʂan˥˥ jɑŋ˧˥ @野狗 xɤ˧˥ ʂweɪ˨˩˦ njoʊ˧˥

Written by Fabian Wakholi

Illustrated by Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by dohliam

Read by Zhuo Sun

Language Chinese (Mandarin)

Level Level 2

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Goat, Dog, and Cow were great friends. One day they went on a journey in a taxi.

ʂan˥˥ jɑŋ˧˥ @野狗 xɤ˧˥ ʂweɪ˨˩˦ njoʊ˧˥ ʂɚ˥˩ xən˨˩˦ @要好 tɤ˧ pʰɤŋ˧˥ joʊ˧ joʊ˨˩˦ i˥˩ tʰjɛn˥˥ tʰa˥˥ mən˧ i˥˩ tɕʰi˨˩˦ tsuɔ˥˩ ʈʂʰu˥˥ tsu˥˥ ʈʂʰɤ˥˥


When they reached the end of their journey, the driver asked them to pay their fares. Cow paid her fare.

tɑŋ˥˥ tʰa˥˥ mən˧ tɑʊ˥˩ lɤ˧ mu˥˩ ti˥˩ ti˥˩ tɤ˧ ʂɚ˧˥ xoʊ˧ sɯ˥˥ tɕi˥˥ tɕjɑʊ˥˩ tʰa˥˥ mən˧ tɕjɑʊ˥˥ @车费 ʂweɪ˨˩˦ njoʊ˧˥ pa˨˩˦ tʰa˥˥ tsɯ˥˩ tɕi˨˩˦ tɤ˧ na˥˩ fən˥˩ tɕjɑʊ˥˥ lɤ˧


Dog paid a bit extra, because he did not have the correct money.

@野狗 meɪ˧˥ joʊ˨˩˦ taɪ˥˩ lɪŋ˧˥ tɕʰjɛn˧˥ suɔ˨˩˦ i˨˩˦ tʰa˥˥ tɕjoʊ˥˩ tuɔ˥˥ keɪ˨˩˦ lɤ˧ @一点儿


The driver was about to give Dog his change when Goat ran away without paying anything.

sɯ˥˥ tɕi˥˥ ʈʂɤŋ˥˩ jɑʊ˥˩ ʈʂɑʊ˨˩˦ tɕʰjɛn˧˥ keɪ˨˩˦ @野狗 @没想到 ʂan˥˥ jɑŋ˧˥ meɪ˧˥ joʊ˨˩˦ @给钱 tɕjoʊ˥˩ @跑掉 lɤ˧


The driver was very annoyed. He drove away without giving Dog his change.

sɯ˥˥ tɕi˥˥ xən˨˩˦ ʂɤŋ˥˥ tɕʰi˥˩ tɕjɛ˧˥ kuɔ˨˩˦ tʰa˥˥ meɪ˧˥ joʊ˨˩˦ keɪ˨˩˦ @野狗 ʈʂɑʊ˨˩˦ tɕʰjɛn˧˥ tɕjoʊ˥˩ @开走 lɤ˧


That is why, even today, Dog runs towards a car to peep inside and find the driver who owes him his change.

suɔ˨˩˦ i˨˩˦ ɕjɛn˥˩ tsaɪ˥˩ ni˨˩˦ kʰɤ˨˩˦ i˨˩˦ kʰan˥˩ tɑʊ˥˩ @野狗 kʰan˥˩ tɑʊ˥˩ ʈʂʰɤ˥˥ tsɯ˧ tɕjoʊ˥˩ pʰɪn˥˥ mɪŋ˥˩ @追上去 ɪn˥˥ weɪ˥˩ tʰa˥˥ ɕjɑŋ˨˩˦ tɕjɑʊ˥˩ sɯ˥˥ tɕi˥˥ keɪ˨˩˦ tʰa˥˥ ʈʂɑʊ˨˩˦ tɕʰjɛn˧˥


Goat runs away from the sound of a car. She is afraid she will be arrested for not paying her fare.

ʂan˥˥ jɑŋ˧˥ nɤ˧ i˥˥ @听到 joʊ˨˩˦ ʈʂʰɤ˥˥ laɪ˧˥ tɕjoʊ˥˩ @吓得 kan˨˩˦ kʰuaɪ˥˩ tʰɑʊ˧˥ tsoʊ˨˩˦ ɪn˥˥ weɪ˥˩ tʰa˥˥ pʰa˥˩ meɪ˧˥ tɕjɑʊ˥˥ @车费 @被人 @抓起来


And Cow is not bothered when a car is coming. Cow takes her time crossing the road because she knows she paid her fare in full.

@可是 ʂweɪ˨˩˦ njoʊ˧˥ @听到 ʈʂʰɤ˥˥ laɪ˧˥ @一点儿 tu˥˥ @不急 tʰa˥˥ pu˥˩ xwɑŋ˥˥ pu˥˩ mɑŋ˧˥ ti˥˩ kuɔ˥˩ ma˨˩˦ lu˥˩ ɪn˥˥ weɪ˥˩ tʰa˥˥ ʈʂɚ˥˥ tɑʊ˥˩ tʰa˥˥ i˨˩˦ tɕɪŋ˥˥ pa˨˩˦ tʰa˥˥ tsɯ˥˩ tɕi˨˩˦ na˥˩ fən˥˩ tɕjɑʊ˥˥ lɤ˧

Written by: Fabian Wakholi
Illustrated by: Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: dohliam
Read by: Zhuo Sun
Language: Chinese (Mandarin)
Level 2
Source: Goat, Dog and Cow from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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