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It is dry.
Está seco.
It is dry.
The sun is hot.
El sol es caliente.
The sun is hot.
It is windy.
Hay viento.
It is windy.
It is cloudy.
Está nublado.
It is cloudy.
It is cold.
Hace frío.
It is cold.
It is raining.
Está lloviendo.
It is raining.
There is thunder.
Hay truenos.
There is thunder.
I see a rainbow.
Veo un arco iris.
I see a rainbow.
Texto: Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi
Ilustraciones: Sandra McDougall, Ingrid Schechter
Lectura en voz alta: Darshan Soni