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Ich lese gerne! I like to read! Mi laik fi riid!

Written by Letta Machoga

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Lisa Birkner

Read by Jula Eberth

Language German

Level Level 1

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Ich lese gerne.

I like to read.

Mi laik riid.

Wem lese ich vor?

Who can I read to?

Uu mi kyan riid tu?

Meine Schwester schläft.

My sister is asleep.

Mi sista a sliip.

Wem lese ich vor?

Who can I read to?

Uu mi kyan riid tu?

Meine Mutter und Oma sind beschäftigt.

My mother and grandmother are busy.

Mi mada an mi granmada bizi.

Wem lese ich vor?

Who can I read to?

Uu mi kyan riid tu?

Mein Vater und Opa sind beschäftigt.

My father and grandfather are busy.

Mi faada an granfaada bizi.

Wem lese ich vor? Ich lese mir selbst vor!

Who can I read to? I can read to myself!

Uu mi kyan riid tu? Mi kyan riid tu miself.

Written by: Letta Machoga
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Lisa Birkner
Read by: Jula Eberth
Language: German
Level: Level 1
Source: I like to read from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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