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Andiswa a estrela do futebol Andiswa Soccer Star Andiswa kateya wa mupila waku makasa

Written by Eden Daniels

Illustrated by Eden Daniels

Translated by Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira

Read by Alfredo Ferreira

Language Portuguese

Level Level 2

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Andiswa via os meninos jogarem futebol. Queria poder se juntar a eles. Perguntou para o treinador se podia praticar com eles.

Andiswa watched the boys play soccer. She wished that she could join them. She asked the coach if she can practise with them.

Andiswa aaleetamba abalumendo baleeteya umupila waku makasa. Aaleekabila ukuteya na beena. Aalilombele bakafundisha ba mupila nga kuti bamusuminisha ukuteyako.

O treinador colocou sua mão em seus lábios. “Nessa escola, somente meninos podem jogar futebol,” disse.

The coach put his hands on his hips. “At this school, only boys are allowed to play soccer,” he said.

Bakafundisha baabikile amaboko mu musana. Basosele ati, “Pano pa sukulu, abalumendo bekafye ebasuminishiwa ukuteya umupila waku makasa.”

Os meninos falaram para ela ir jogar basquetebol. Diziam que basquetebol era para meninas e futebol era para meninos. Andiswa ficou triste.

The boys told her to go play netball. They said that netball is for girls and soccer is for boys. Andiswa was upset.

Abalumendo bamwebele ukuya mu kuteya umupila waku minwe. Baasosele ukutiila umupila waku minwe ewabakashana. Andiswa aalifulilwe.

No dia seguinte, a escola teve uma grande partida de futebol. O treinador estava preocupado porque o seu melhor jogador estava doente e não poderia jogar.

The next day, the school had a big soccer match. The coach was worried because his best player was sick and could not play.

Ubushiku bwakonkelepo, isukulu lyali no kuteya ubwangalo bwamupila waku makasa uukalamba. Bakafundisha baalisakamene pantu umulumendo uwaishibishe ukuteya umupila aalifililwe ukuteya pantu aalilwale.

Andiswa correu até o treinador e implorou para poder jogar. O treinador não tinha muita certeza do que deveria fazer. Então, decidiu que Andiswa se juntasse ao time.

Andiswa ran to the coach and begged him to let her to play. The coach was not sure what to do. Then he decided that Andiswa could join the team.

Andiswa aabutukiile kuli bakafundisha no kubapaapaata ukuti bamusuminishe ukuteyako umupila. Bakafundisha tabaishibe ifyakucita. Lelo basukile basuminisha Andiswa ukuteyako umupila.

O jogo estava difícil. Ninguém tinha marcado nenhum gol até a metade do primeiro tempo.

The game was tough. Nobody had scored a goal by half time.

Ubwangalo bwalikosele. Tapaali abaingisheko akakato mpaka inshita ya kutuusha.

Durante o segundo tempo, um dos meninos passou a bola para Andiswa. Ela se movimentou bem rápido em direção à trave. Chutou forte e marcou um gol.

During the second half of the match one of the boys passed the ball to Andiswa. She moved very fast towards the goal post. She kicked the ball hard and scored a goal.

Mu cipande ca bubili icabwangalo, Andiswa aalisendele umupila. Aalibutukishe saana ukulungama ku cipanda. Andiswa aalipantishe umupila no kwingisha akakato.

A multidão foi à loucura de alegria. A partir daquele dia, meninas estavam autorizadas a jogar futebol na escola.

The crowd went wild with joy. Since that day, girls were also allowed to play soccer at the school.

Ibumba lyalitemenwe nganshi. Ukutula pali bulya ubushiku, abakashana baalibasuminishe ukuteya umupila waku makasa.

Written by: Eden Daniels
Illustrated by: Eden Daniels
Translated by: Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira
Read by: Alfredo Ferreira
Language: Portuguese
Level: Level 2
Source: Andiswa Soccer Star from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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