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Mamello Ya Bonolo Isibindi Sikanolwazi Unangila Igorhakazi Nangila's courage

Written by Violet Otieno

Illustrated by Vusi Malindi

Translated by Tseliso Masolane

Language Sesotho

Level Level 4

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Kgalekgale, ho ne ho na le monna ya neng a e na le leqeba le lebe leotong.

Kudala, esigodini saseNtabanhle, kwakunendoda eyanesilonda esibi emlenzeni. Lesi silonda sasinenkani ukuphola. Le ndoda yayingasakwazi ukuma nanokuhamba ngenxa yalesi silonda. Yayihlala nomndeni wayo, unkosikazi nabantwana.

Kudala-dala, kwakukho indoda eyayinesilonda esibi emlenzeni. Yayingakwazi ukuma nokuhamba. Le ndoda yayihlala elalini nenkosikazi yayo kunye nabantwana babo.

Long ago, there was a man who had a very serious wound on his leg. He could not stand or walk. This man lived in a village with his wife and their children.

Banyalani ba ne ba na le bara ba bararo le moradi a le mong.

Babenamadodana amathathu nendodakazi eyodwa. Igama lendodakazi kwakunguNolwazi. Kwabe kungumsebenzi wakhe ukunakekela ubaba wakhe. Amadodana ayesebenza emasimini futhi elusa imfuyo.

Esi sibini sasinoonyana abathathu kunye nentombazana enye. Igama lentombazana yayinguNangila. Umsebenzi kaNangila yayikukunakekela uyise. Amakhwenkwe wona ayesebenza emasimini esolusa nemfuyo.

The couple had three sons and one daughter. The daughter’s name was Nangila. Her duty was to take care of her father. The sons worked on the land and grazed animals.

Bonolo e ne e le ngwanana e motle. Baahi bohle ba motseng ba ne ba mo rata ba bile ba mo hlompha.

UNolwazi wayeyintombazane enhle. Wonke umphakathi wawumkhonzile futhi umhlonipha. Abazali bakaNolwazi babemfisela umyeni oqotho nonakekelayo. Loyo owayezoba ngumyeni kaNolwazi wayezobhekana nesu elinzima.

UNangila wayeyintombazana entle. Bonke abantu belali babemthanda futhi bemhlonipha. Abazali bakhe bona babefunela intombi yabo isoka eliqotho. Benza iqhinga elinzima ukuze bafumane eyona ndoda emfaneleyo.

Nangila was a beautiful girl. All the villagers liked and respected her. Her parents wanted a good husband for Nangila. They set a difficult task in order to find the right man.

Mang kapa mang ya neng a batla ho nyala Bonolo, o ne a lokela ho fumana setlama letsheng le haufi le motse. Setlama sena se ne se tla phekola leqeba la ntatae.

Leyo ndoda eyayizomthatha abe unkosikazi wayo, kwakumele ihambe iyokhipha ikhambi echibini elaliseduze khona esigodini. Kwakunenkolelo ukuthi leli khambi lalizokwelapha isilonda sikayise kaNolwazi. Inkinga ngechibi, kuthiwa lalinemimoya emibi futhi eyingozi.

Umntu owayefuna ukutshata noNangila kwakufanele ayokufuna iyeza elalifumaneka echibini elalikufutshane nelali leyo. Eli yeza lalizokupholisa isilonda sikatata kaNangila. Kodwa leli chibi laligcwele iziporho nezithunzela ezinobungozi.

Anyone who wanted to marry Nangila would have to get a herb from a lake near the village. This herb would heal her father’s wound. But the lake was filled with dangerous spirits.

Banna ba bang ba ile ba leka ho fumana setlama empa ba kgutla ba sa se fumana.

Amanye amadoda ayeseke azama ukuyothatha leli khambi ayebuya engaliphethe. Amanye ayengabuyi kwakhona echibini lapho.

Amanye amadoda azama ukuya kukha eli yeza kodwa abuya elambatha. Amanye amadoda awazange abuye kwa ukubuya kwelo chibi.

Some men tried to get the herb but returned without it. Some men did not return from the lake at all.

Bonolo o ne a tshwenyehile. Le baholwane ba hae ba ne ba sa ikutlwe ho ya letsheng. O ile a qeta ka ho ya itatela setlama ka boyena.

UNolwazi yayimkhathaza le ndaba. Abafowabo babengalokothi baye kuleli chibi. Wagcina enqume ukuthi yena Nolwazi, uzoya kuleli chibi ayothatha leli khambi. Ngelinye ilanga umama wakhe wathi kuye, “Mntanami, amadoda anamandla ehlulekile, wena bewungubani ukuyolanda leli khambi?” UNolwazi wayesezitshelile ukuthi yena uzohamba.

UNangila wakhathazeka. Nditsho nabantakwabo babengakwazi ukufika echibini. Ngoko wagqiba ekubeni ayokulikha ngokwakhe eli yeza. Umama wakhe wathi, “Mntwana wam, ucinga ukuba uza kuphumelela na, njengokuba namadoda anamandla ohlulekile?” Kodwa uNangila wayesele esithathile isigqibo, engasenakubuya ngamva.

Nangila felt worried. Not even her brothers would go to the lake. She decided to fetch the herb herself. Her mother said, “My daughter, if strong men have failed, will you succeed?” But Nangila had made up her mind.

Tseleng e yang letsheng, Bonolo o ile a kopana le mosadimoholo ya rwetseng patsi. O ile a thusa mosadi eo ho rwala patsi ya hae.

Endleleni eya echibini, wahlangana nesalukazi sithwele umyaba wezinkuni. UNolwazi wasisiza wasithwalisa. Sabonga isalukazi, sathi kuye, “Lalela kahle. Ngizokutshela ukuthi uzofinyelela kanjani ekhambini, nanokuthi kumele wenzeni lapho ufika echibini.”

Endleleni eya echibini, uNangila wadibana nexhegwazana elalithwele inyanda yeenkuni. Walithwalela inyanda yalo ixhegwazana. Ixhegokazi labulela laze lathi kuNangila, “Ndiza kukuxelela indlela onokufikelela ngayo echibini leziporho nento ekufanele uyenze xa ufika khona.”

On the way to the lake, Nangila met an old woman carrying wood. She helped the woman to carry her firewood. The old woman was grateful. She said to Nangila, “I will tell you how to reach the spirit lake and what to do when you get there.”

Ha Bonolo a fihla lebopong la letsha, o ile a bona lelapa la meya le nwa ebile le tantsha.

Uma efika eduze nechibi, uNolwazi, wawubona lomndeni wemimoya evunguzayo idansa iphuza echibini. Wema wayibukela. Emva kwesikhashana ngayinye yashona phansi yalala.

Wathi xa efikelela enyeleni yechibi, uNangila wabona usapho lweziporho lisela yaye lixhentsa. Walinda wabukela. Suke iziporho zabiwa bubuthongo ngasinye ngexesha.

When she reached the shore of the lake, Nangila saw the spirit family drinking and dancing. She waited and watched. One by one, the spirits fell asleep.

Ha meya kaofela e se e robetse Bonolo o ile a ikakgela ka letsheng.

Kuthe seyilele yonke, UNolwazi waziphonsa echibini, walithola ikhambi. Ngesikhathi esephuma emanzini, amanzi ayesemaningi ngakuye lapho eyozophumela ngakhona.

Kwathi xa sele zilele zonke, uNangila wantywilela echibini. Walifumana iyeza waze walifaka epokothweni yakhe. Uthe xa edada ebuyela enyeleni, suke amaza aba made ukumodlula.

Once the spirits were all sleeping Nangila dived into the lake. She found the herb and put it in her bag. As she swam back to land, the waves were high around her.

Ha Bonolo a fihla lebopong, meya e ile ya tsoha. O ne a tshohile, empa o ile a bina pina eo mosadimoholo a mo rutileng yona:

Kwathi lapho ephumela ngaphandle, nansi imimoya seyivukile. Wafikelwa ukwesaba, wabe esekhumbula ukuthi isalukazi sasithe akabocula iculo ayemfundise lona, ayilolozele le mimoya. Iculo lalithi: “Mina ndodakazi yaseNtabenhle, ngivela lapha echibini nami. Ngize lapha ukuzocela ikhambi lenu babusi bami. Ubaba wami uyalidinga ukwelapha isilonda sakhe esingapholi. Ngisizeni babusi bami.”

Iziporho zazisele zivukile ngelixa uNangila efika enyeleni yechibi. Wayesoyika kodwa wacula ingoma awayeyifundiswe lixhegwazana: Mna, ntombi kaWekesa, Ndiphuma echibini. Ndize apha ngoba amadoda ayoyika ukuza. Utata uyalidinga eli yeza ukunyanga isilonda sakhe. Yiyo le nto ndilapha nje, Endaweni apho abaninzi Boyikayo ukufikelela, Kuba nina niphethe.

When Nangila reached the shore the spirits were awake. She was afraid, but she sang the song the old woman taught her: I, daughter of Wekesa, Am from the lake. I came because men are too scared to come. My father needs this herb to heal his wound. That is why am here, In the land where many are scared to reach, For you are the rulers.

Lentswe la Bonolo le ne le le monate hoo meya e ileng ya mo kopa ho e binela kgafetsa.

Izwi likaNolwazi lalimnandi ngokumangazayo, imimoya yacela ukuba aphinde acule futhi. Nangempela waphinda. Ukucula kwakhe kwayilolozela imimoya, thu thu! Yalala. Ngokushesha uNolwazi wahlaba ngejubane ebheke ekhaya.

Ilizwi likaNangila lalimnandi kangangokuba iziporho zamcela ukuba aziculele aphindaphinde amatyeli amaninzi. Ukucula kwakhe kwenza ukuba iziporho ziphinde zibiwe bubuthongo. Wasuka apho wathi ngqe-e-e-e ukugoduka ephindela elalini yakhe.

Nangila’s voice was so sweet that the spirits asked her to sing for them again and again. Her singing sent the spirits back to sleep. Then Nangila ran very fast until she got to her village.

Bohle ba ne ba emetse Bonolo a kgutle.

Wafika ekhaya, elindelwe. Bonke babemangele. Wangena endlini, wasebenzisa ikhambi, ubaba wakhe welapheka, wavuka wema ngezinyawo. Umphakathi wonkana wawujabule uncoma isibindi sikaNolwazi.

Bonke abantu babelindele ukubuya kukaNangila. Emva kokunyanga isilonda sakhe ngeyeza, uyise wakwazi ukuphakama kwakhona. Ilali yonke yalilizela incoma uNangila.

Everyone was waiting for Nangila to return. After treating his wound with the herb her father was able to stand again. The entire village danced and praised Nangila.

Written by: Violet Otieno
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Tseliso Masolane
Language: Sesotho
Level: Level 4
Source: Nangila's courage from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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