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Di Onigaid Rivenj The Honeyguide's revenge di @onigaid @rivenj

Written by Zulu folktale

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Georgette McGlashen

Language Jamaican Creole

Level Level 4

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Dis a di stuori bout Hngede di Onigaid bod, an wahn krievn yong man niem Gingiile. Wan die wail Gingiile did de out a ont im ier Hngede a mek naiz. Gingiile mout staat waata az im a tingk bout oni. Im stap an lisn gud, an a sorch so til im did si di bod pan di chrii lim uova im ed. “Chitik-chitik-chitik,” di likl bod a shiek op imself, wail im a flai go uova di neks chrii, an di neks wan. “Chitik-chitik-chitik,” im did a kaal an a stap nou an den fi mek shuor se dat Gingiile did a fala im.

This is the story of Ngede, the Honeyguide, and a greedy young man named Gingile. One day while Gingile was out hunting he heard the call of Ngede. Gingile’s mouth began to water at the thought of honey. He stopped and listened carefully, searching until he saw the bird in the branches above his head. “Chitik-chitik-chitik,” the little bird rattled, as he flew to the next tree, and the next. “Chitik, chitik, chitik,” he called, stopping from time to time to be sure that Gingile followed.

dis a di @stuori bɔut @hngede di @onigaid @bord an wã @krievn joŋ man nɪɛm @gingiile wan dɪɛ waɪl @gingiile @did de @out a ont im ɪɛɹ @hngede a mek naɪz @gingiile mɔut staːt waːta @az im a tiŋk bɔut @oni im @stap an lisn̩ gud an a @sorch @so @til im @did si di @bord @pan di tʃɹiː @lim @uova im @ed @chitik-chitik-chitik di likl̩ @bord a @shiek op @imself waɪl im a flaɪ @go @uova di @neks tʃɹiː an di @neks wan @chitik-chitik-chitik im @did a kaːl an a @stap @nou an @den fi mek ʃuɔɹ se dat @gingiile @did a fala im

Afta aafan-owa, dem did riich wahn big wail fig chrii. Hngede a jomp op an dong laik im mad aal bout di chrii lim dem. Den im stap pan wahn lim an kak im ed tuwaadz Gingiile laik im a se, “Siit ya! Kom nou! Wa a tek yu so lang?” Gingiile kudn si no biiz fram anda di chrii, bot im did chos Hngede.

After half an hour, they reached a huge wild fig tree. Ngede hopped about madly among the branches. He then settled on one branch and cocked his head at Gingile as if to say, “Here it is! Come now! What is taking you so long?” Gingile couldn’t see any bees from under the tree, but he trusted Ngede.

afta @aafan-owa dem @did @riich wã @big waɪl @fig tʃɹiː @hngede a dʒomp op an doŋ laɪk im @mad aːl bɔut di tʃɹiː @lim dem @den im @stap @pan wã @lim an kak im @ed @tuwaadz @gingiile laɪk im a se @siit ja kom @nou wa a tek ju @so laŋ @gingiile kudn̩ si @no @biiz @fram anda di tʃɹiː bot im @did tʃos @hngede

So Gingiile pudong im ontin spier anda di chrii, gyada som jrai stik an kech op wahn sumaal faiya. Wen di faiya staat bon gud, im put wahn lang jrai stik inna di migl a di faiya. Di ud di nuon espeshali fi mek op uol iip a sumuok wen it a bon. Im staat klaim, a uol aan pan di kuul en a di stik we a sumuok wid im tiit.

So Gingile put down his hunting spear under the tree, gathered some dry twigs and made a small fire. When the fire was burning well, he put a long dry stick into the heart of the fire. This wood was especially known to make lots of smoke while it burned. He began climbing, holding the cool end of the smoking stick in his teeth.

@so @gingiile @pudong im ontin @spier anda di tʃɹiː ɟada som dʒɹaɪ @stik an ketʃ op wã sumaːl faɪja @wen di faɪja staːt bon gud im @put wã laŋ dʒɹaɪ @stik @inna di migl̩ a di faɪja di ud di @nuoyn @espeshali fi mek op uɔl iːp a @sumuok @wen it a bon im staːt @klaim a uɔl @aan @pan di kuːl en a di @stik @we a @sumuok wid im tiːt

Likl afta dat im kuda ier di bizi biiz dem a boz loud. Dem did a go in an out a wahn uol inna di chrii chonk – dem aiv. Wen Gingiile riich di aiv im push di en a di stik wid di sumuok pan it inna di uol. Di biiz dem rosh kom out, mad an beks. Dem flai we bikaaz dem neva laik di sumuok – bot nat bifuor dem gi Gingiile som at sting!

Soon he could hear the loud buzzing of the busy bees. They were coming in and out of a hollow in the tree trunk – their hive. When Gingile reached the hive he pushed the smoking end of the stick into the hollow. The bees came rushing out, angry and mean. They flew away because they didn’t like the smoke – but not before they had given Gingile some painful stings!

likl̩ afta dat im @kuda ɪɛɹ di @bizi @biiz dem a @boz @loud dem @did a @go @in an @out a wã uɔl @inna di tʃɹiː @chonk @- dem @aiv @wen @gingiile @riich di @aiv im @push di en a di @stik wid di @sumuok @pan it @inna di uɔl di @biiz dem @rosh kom @out @mad an @beks dem flaɪ @we @bikaaz dem @neva laɪk di @sumuok @- bot @nat bifuɔɹ dem @gi @gingiile som at @sting

Wen di biiz dem kom out, Gingiile push im an dem inna di nes. Im tek out som anfol a wieti onikuom, a jrip wid rich oni an fol a fat, wait bruud. Im put di kuom gud-gud inna di pouch we im did a kyari pan im shoulda, an staat klaim dong di chrii.

When the bees were out, Gingile pushed his hands into the nest. He took out handfuls of the heavy comb, dripping with rich honey and full of fat, white grubs. He put the comb carefully in the pouch he carried on his shoulder, and started to climb down the tree.

@wen di @biiz dem kom @out @gingiile @push im an dem @inna di @nes im tek @out som @anfol a @wieti @onikuom a @jrip wid @rich @oni an @fol a @fat waɪt @bruud im @put di @kuom @gud-gud @inna di @pouch @we im @did a kjaɹi @pan im @shoulda an staːt @klaim doŋ di tʃɹiː

Hngede did ankshos a wach evriting we Gingiile did a du. Im did a wiet fi im lef a fat piis a onikuom az a tangk yuu prezent fi di Onigaid. Hngede jomp fram lim tu lim, niera an niera tu di grong. Fainali Gingiile riich di batam a di chrii. Hngede siddong pan wahn rak stuon nier di bwaai pikni an a wiet fi im riwaad.

Ngede eagerly watched everything that Gingile was doing. He was waiting for him to leave a fat piece of honeycomb as a thank-you offering to the Honeyguide. Ngede flittered from branch to branch, closer and closer to the ground. Finally Gingile reached the bottom of the tree. Ngede perched on a rock near the boy and waited for his reward.

@hngede @did @ankshos a @wach @evriting @we @gingiile @did a @du im @did a wɪɛt fi im lef a @fat piːs a @onikuom @az a @tangk juː @prezent fi di @onigaid @hngede dʒomp @fram @lim tu @lim @niera an @niera tu di gɹoŋ @fainali @gingiile @riich di batam a di tʃɹiː @hngede @siddong @pan wã @rak stuɔn @nier di @bwaai pikni an a wɪɛt fi im @riwaad

Bot, Gingiile out di faiya, pik op im spier an staat waak go a im yaad, an naa pie di bod no main. Hngede baal out mad-mad, “Viktaa! Viktaa!” Gingiile stap, an luk pan di likl bod an bos out a loud laaf. “Yu waahn som oni, iihn, mi fren? Ha! Bot a mi du aal a di wok, an get aal a di sting dem. Wa mek mi shuda shier non a dis nais oni wid yu?” Den im waak aaf. Hngede did wel beks! Dis a no no wie fi chriit im! Bot im wuda av im rivenj.

But, Gingile put out the fire, picked up his spear and started walking home, ignoring the bird. Ngede called out angrily, “VIC-torr! VIC-torrr!” Gingile stopped, stared at the little bird and laughed aloud. “You want some honey, do you, my friend? Ha! But I did all the work, and got all the stings. Why should I share any of this lovely honey with you?” Then he walked off. Ngede was furious! This was no way to treat him! But he would get his revenge.

bot @gingiile @out di faɪja @pik op im @spier an staːt waːk @go a im jaːd an @naa pɪɛ di @bord @no maɪn @hngede baːl @out @mad-mad @viktaa @viktaa @gingiile @stap an luk @pan di likl̩ @bord an @bos @out a @loud laːf ju @waahn som @oni ĩː mi @fren @ha bot a mi @du aːl a di wok an @get aːl a di @sting dem wa mek mi @shuda ʃɪɛɹ non a dis naɪs @oni wid ju @den im waːk aːf @hngede @did @wel @beks dis a @no @no wɪɛ fi tʃɹiːt im bot im @wuda @av im @rivenj

Wan die bout kopl wiik afta Gingiile ier di oni kaal fram Hngede. Im memba di nais tiesin oni, an ori op an fala di bod agen. Afta im liid Gingiile schriet pan di ej a di faris, Hngede stap an res anda wahn big ambrela maka chrii. “Aaa,” Gingiile tingk tu imself. “Di aiv mos de inna di chrii.” Im ori op an kech wahn sumaal faiya an staat klaim, wid di lim we a sumuok inna im tiit. Hngede siddong an did a wach.

One day several weeks later Gingile again heard the honey call of Ngede. He remembered the delicious honey, and eagerly followed the bird once again. After leading Gingile along the edge of the forest, Ngede stopped to rest in a great umbrella thorn. “Ahh,” thought Gingile. “The hive must be in this tree.” He quickly made his small fire and began to climb, the smoking branch in his teeth. Ngede sat and watched.

wan dɪɛ bɔut @kopl wiːk afta @gingiile ɪɛɹ di @oni kaːl @fram @hngede im memba di naɪs @tiesin @oni an @ori op an fala di @bord agen afta im @liid @gingiile @schriet @pan di @ej a di @faris @hngede @stap an @res anda wã @big @ambrela @maka tʃɹiː @aaa @gingiile tiŋk tu @imself di @aiv @mos de @inna di tʃɹiː im @ori op an ketʃ wã sumaːl faɪja an staːt @klaim wid di @lim @we a @sumuok @inna im tiːt @hngede @siddong an @did a @wach

Gingiile did a klaim, an a wanda wai im no ier di yuuzhal boz. “Miebi di aiv did de diip inna di chrii,” im tingk tu imself. Im jrag imself op pan aneda lim. Bot insted a di aiv, im did a luk schriet inna wahn lepad fies! Lepad did wel beks kaaz ar sliip get badli distorb. Shi skwiiz ar yai dem tugeda, uopm ar mout an shuo ar big-big an wel shaap tiit dem.

Gingile climbed, wondering why he didn’t hear the usual buzzing. “Perhaps the hive is deep in the tree,” he thought to himself. He pulled himself up another branch. But instead of the hive, he was staring into the face of a leopard! Leopard was very angry at having her sleep so rudely interrupted. She narrowed her eyes, opened her mouth to reveal her very large and very sharp teeth.

@gingiile @did a @klaim an a @wanda @wai im @no ɪɛɹ di @yuuzhal @boz mɪɛbi di @aiv @did de @diip @inna di tʃɹiː im tiŋk tu @imself im @jrag @imself op @pan @anada @lim bot @insted a di @aiv im @did a luk @schriet @inna wã @lepad fɪɛs @lepad @did @wel @beks kaːz aɹ sliːp @get @badli @distorb @shi @skwiiz aɹ jaɪ dem @tugeda uɔpm̩ aɹ mɔut an ʃuɔ aɹ @big-big an @wel @shaap tiːt dem

Bifuor Lepad kuda lik aafa Gingiile, im ori op dong di chrii. Inna im ori im mis a lim, an jrap wid a loud naiz pan di grong an twis im angkl. Im limp aaf az faas az im kud. Loki fiim, Lepad did tuu sliipi fi ron im dong. Hngede, di Onigaid get im rivenj. An Gingiile did lorn im lesn.

Before Leopard could take a swipe at Gingile, he rushed down the tree. In his hurry he missed a branch, and landed with a heavy thud on the ground twisting his ankle. He hobbled off as fast as he could. Luckily for him, Leopard was still too sleepy to chase him. Ngede, the Honeyguide, had his revenge. And Gingile learned his lesson.

bifuɔɹ @lepad @kuda lik @aafa @gingiile im @ori op doŋ di tʃɹiː @inna im @ori im @mis a @lim an dʒɹap wid a @loud naɪz @pan di gɹoŋ an @twis im @angkl im @limp aːf @az faːs @az im @kud @loki @fiim @lepad @did tuː @sliipi fi ɹon im doŋ @hngede di @onigaid @get im @rivenj an @gingiile @did loɹn im @lesn

So, wen Gingiile pikni dem ier di stuori bout Hngede dem av rispek fi di likl bod. Enitaim dem riip oni, dem mek shuor se dem lef di bigis paat a di onikuom fi di Onigaid!

And so, when the children of Gingile hear the story of Ngede they have respect for the little bird. Whenever they harvest honey, they make sure to leave the biggest part of the comb for Honeyguide!

@so @wen @gingiile pikni dem ɪɛɹ di @stuori bɔut @hngede dem @av ɹispek fi di likl̩ @bord enɪtaɪm dem @riip @oni dem mek ʃuɔɹ se dem lef di @bigis paːat a di @onikuom fi di @onigaid

Written by: Zulu folktale
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Georgette McGlashen
Language: Jamaican Creole
Level 4
Source: The Honeyguide's revenge from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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