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Adelheid Marie Bwire
Melany Pietersen
Heba Tesheh, Maaouia Haj Mabrouk
Mashael Muhanna

فِي أحَدِ اَلأيَّامِ حَصَلَتْ مَامَا عَلَى اَلكَثِيرِ مِنَ الفَواكِهَ.
One day, mama got a lot of fruit.
fiː ʔaħħada aːlʔajjaːm @حصلت @ماما ʕalaː aːlkaθiːr min aːlfaʊaːkih
سَأَلْنَاهَا: “مَتى يُمْكِنُنا أّن نَأخُذَ القَليلَ مِنَها؟”
أَجَابَتْ: “سَنَأكُلُ الفَوَاكِهَ في المَسَاءِ”.
“When can we have some fruit?” we ask.
“We will have the fruit tonight,” says mama.
@سألناها mataː @يمكننا ʔan naʔxuð aːlqaliːl @منها
@أجابت sanaʔkul aːlfaʊaːkih fiː aːlmasaːʔ
أَخِي رَهِيمْ كَانَ طَمَّاعًا، تَذَوَّقَ كُلَّ الفَواكِهِ، وَأَكَلَ الكَثِيرَ مِنْهَا.
My brother Rahim is greedy. He tastes all the fruit. He eats a lot of it.
ʔaxiː @رهيم kaːna @طماعًا taðawwaqa kul aːlfaʊaːkih waʔakala aːlkaθiːr @منها
صَرَخَ أَخي الصَّغِيرُ: “انْظُرْ مَاذَا فَعَلَ رَهِيمْ”!
أَمَّا أَنَا فَقُلتُ: “رَهِيمْ غَيْرُ مُحْتَرَمٍ وَأَنَانِيٌّ”.
“Look at what Rahim did!” shouts my little brother.
“Rahim is naughty and selfish,” I say.
sˤaraxa ʔaxiː aːlsˤaɣiːr ʔunðˤur maːðaː faʕala @رهيم
ʔammaː ʔanaː @فقلت @رهيم ɣeɪr @محترمٍ @وأنانيٌ
غَضِبَتْ مَامَا مِنْ رَهِيمْ.
Mother is angry with Rahim.
@غضبت @ماما min @رهيم
وَنَحْنُ أَيْضًا غَضِبْنَا مِنْ رَهِيمْ ولَكِنَّهُ لَمْ يَعْتَذِرْ.
We are also angry with Rahim. But Rahim is not sorry.
wanaħnu @أيضًا @غضبنا min @رهيم walaːkinnahu lam jaʕtaðir
سَأَلَ أَخِي الصَّغِيرُ: “أَلَنْ تُعَاقِبِي رَهِيمْ؟”
“Aren’t you going to punish Rahim?” asks little brother.
saʔala ʔaxiː aːlsˤaɣiːr ʔalanna taʕaːqubijj @رهيم
حَذَّرَتْ مَامَا رَهِيمْ فَقَاَلتْ: “عَلَيْكَ أَنْ تَعْتَذِرَ حَالَّا”.
“Rahim, soon you will be sorry,” warns mama.
@حذرت @ماما @رهيم @فقالت @عليك ʔan taʕtaðir @حالا
بَدَأَ رَهِيمْ بِالشُّعُورِ بِالمَرَضِ.
Rahim starts to feel sick.
badaʔa @رهيم biaːlʃuʕuːr biaːlmaradˤ
هَمَسَ رَهِيمْ: “مَعِدَتِي تُؤْلِمُنِي”.
“My tummy is so sore,” whispers Rahim.
hamasa @رهيم @معدتي @تؤلمني
عَرَفَتْ مَامَا مَاذَا حَصَلَ: “إنَّ الفَوَاكِهَ عَاقَبَتْ رَهِيمْ”!
Mama knew this would happen. The fruit is punishing Rahim!
@عرفت @ماما maːðaː ħasˤala ʔin aːlfaʊaːkih @عاقبت @رهيم
أَخِيرًا اِعْتَذَرَ رَهِيمْ فَقَالَ لَنَا: “لَنْ أَكُونَ طَمَّاعاً بَعْدَ اليَوْمِ”.
Later, Rahim says sorry to us. “I will never be so greedy again,” he promises.
And we all believe him.
@أخيرًا iʕtaðara @رهيم faqaːla lanaː lan ʔakuːn @طماعاً baʕda aːljaʊma
Written by: Adelheid Marie Bwire
Illustrated by: Melany Pietersen
Translated by: Heba Tesheh, Maaouia Haj Mabrouk
Read by: Mashael Muhanna