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أَنْدِيسُوا نَجْمَةُ كُرَةِ اَلقَدَمِ
Andiswa Soccer Star
@أنديسوا @نجمة @كرة aːlqadam
Eden Daniels
Eden Daniels
Heba Tesheh, Maaouia Haj Mabrouk
Mashael Muhanna
شَاهَدَتْ أَنْدِيسُوا الصِّبْيَةَ يَلْعَبُونَ كُرَةَ اَلقَدَمِ.
كَانَتْ تَتَمَنَّى لَوْ أَنَّهَا تَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ تَنْضَمَّ إِلَيْهِمْ.
فَسَأَلَتْ اَلمُدَرِّبَ إنْ كَانَتْ تَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ تتَدَرَّبَ مَعَهُمْ.
Andiswa watched the boys play soccer. She wished that she could join them. She asked the coach if she can practise with them.
@شاهدت @أنديسوا @الصبية @يلعبون @كرة aːlqadam
@كانت @تتمنى laʊ ʔannahaː tastatˤiːʕ ʔan tandˤamm @إليهم
fasaʔaltu aːlmudarrib ʔin @كانت tastatˤiːʕ ʔan tatadarrab @معهم
أَجَابَهَا المُدَرِّبُ: “في هَذِهِ اَلمَدْرَسَةِ لَا يُسْمَحُ إِلَّا لِلْصِّبْيَةِ أَنْ يَلْعَبُوا كُرَةَ اَلقَدَمِ”.
The coach put his hands on his hips. “At this school, only boys are allowed to play soccer,” he said.
@أجابها aːlmudarrib fiː haːðihi @المدرسة laː jasmaħ ʔillaː @للصبية ʔan @يلعبوا @كرة aːlqadam
قَالَ اَلصِّبْيَةُ لَهَا: “اِلْعَبِي كُرَةَ الشَّبَكَةِ. كُرَةُ الشَّبَكَةِ لِلْبَنَاتِ، وكُرَةُ اَلقَدَمِ لِلْصِّبْيَانِ”.
The boys told her to go play netball. They said that netball is for girls and soccer is for boys. Andiswa was upset.
qaːla @الصبية lahaː @العبي @كرة @الشبكة @كرة @الشبكة @للبنات @وكرة aːlqadam lilsˤibjaːn
فِي اليَوْم اَلتَّالي أُقِيمَتْ فِي اَلْمَدْرَسَةِ مُبَارَاةٌ كَبيرةٌ لِكُرَةِ اَلْقَدَمِ.
كَانَ اَلْمُدَرِّبُ قَلِقاً، لِأَنَّ أَفْضَلَ لَاعِبٍ عِنْدَهُ كَانَ مَريضاً، وَلَا يَسْتَطِيعُ اَللَّعِبَ.
The next day, the school had a big soccer match. The coach was worried because his best player was sick and could not play.
fiː aːljaʊma aːltaːliː @أقيمت fiː @المدرسة @مباراةٌ @كبيرةٌ @لكرة aːlqadam
kaːna aːlmudarrib @قلقاً liʔan ʔafdˤala @لاعبٍ @عنده kaːna @مريضاً walaː jastatˤiːʕ aːllaʕb
رَكَضَت أَنْدِيسُوا وَتَرَجَّتْهُ أَنْ يَدَعَهَا تَلْعَبُ.
لَمْ يَكُنِ اَلْمُدَرِّبُ وَاثِقاً مِمَّا عَلَيْهِ فِعْلَهُ.
بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ قَرَّرَ أَنْ يَسْمَحَ لَهَا بِاَلاِنْضِمَامِ إِلَى اَلْفَريقِ.
Andiswa ran to the coach and begged him to let her to play. The coach was not sure what to do. Then he decided that Andiswa could join the team.
@ركضت @أنديسوا @وترجته ʔan @يدعها talʕab
lam jakinn aːlmudarrib @واثقاً mimmaː @عليه @فعله
baʕda ðaːlika qarrara ʔan jasmaħ lahaː biaːlindˤimaːm ʔilaː aːlfariːq
كَانَتْ المُبَارَاةُ صَعْبَةً جِدًّا.
أَصْبَحَتْ فِي مُنْتَصَفِهَا، وَلَمْ يُسَجَّلْ أَيُّ هَدَفٍ.
The game was tough. Nobody had scored a goal by half time.
@كانت @المباراة @صعبةً @جدًا
@أصبحت fiː @منتصفها walam jusadʒʒil ʔeɪ @هدفٍ
فِي اَلْنِّصْفِ الثَّانِي مِنَ المُبَارَاةِ، مَرَّرَ أَحَدُ اَلْصِّبْيَةِ اَلْكُرَةَ إِلَى أَنْدِيسُوا.
تَحَرَّكَتْ بِسُرْعَةٍ كَبِيرَةٍ بِاتِّجَاهِ اَلْمَرمَى.
ثُمَّ رَكَلَتْ اَلْكُرَةَ بِقُوَّةٍ وسَجَّلَتْ هَدَفاً.
During the second half of the match one of the boys passed the ball to Andiswa. She moved very fast towards the goal post. She kicked the ball hard and scored a goal.
fiː aːlnisˤf aːlθaːniː min @المباراة marrara ʔaħħada @الصبية @الكرة ʔilaː @أنديسوا
@تحركت @بسرعةٍ @كبيرةٍ biittidʒaːh @المرمى
θumma @ركلت @الكرة @بقوةٍ @وسجلت @هدفاً
وَمُنْذُ ذَلِكَ اَلْيَوْمِ سَمَحَتْ اَلْجَمَاهِيرُ لِلفَتَيَاتِ بِلَعِبِ كُرَةِ القَدَمِ فِي اَلْمَدْرَسَةِ.
The crowd went wild with joy. Since that day, girls were also allowed to play soccer at the school.
@ومنذ ðaːlika aːljaʊma @سمحت aːldʒamaːhiːr @للفتيات bilaʕb @كرة aːlqadam fiː @المدرسة
Written by: Eden Daniels
Illustrated by: Eden Daniels
Translated by: Heba Tesheh, Maaouia Haj Mabrouk
Read by: Mashael Muhanna