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Pagbibilang ng mga Hayop Counting animals Contando animales

Written by Zanele Buthelezi, Thembani Dladla, Clare Verbeek

Illustrated by Rob Owen

Translated by La Trinidad Mina

Read by La Trinidad Mina

Language Tagalog

Level Level 1

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Isang elepante ang iinom ng tubig.

One elephant is going to drink water.

Un elefante va a beber agua.

Dalawang dyirap ang iinom ng tubig.

Two giraffes are going to drink water.

Dos jirafas van a beber agua.

Tatlong kalabaw at apat na ibon ang iinom ng tubig.

Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.

Tres búfalos y cuatro pájaros también van a beber agua.

Limang impala at anim na baboy-ramo ang papunta sa tubig.

Five impalas and six warthogs are walking to the water.

Cinco impalas y seis jabalíes están caminando hacia el agua.

Pitong zebra ang tumatakbo papunta sa tubig.

Seven zebras are running to the water.

Siete cebras están corriendo hacia el agua.

Walong palaka at siyam na isda ang lumalangoy sa tubig.

Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.

Ocho ranas y nueve peces están nadando en el agua.

Isang leon ang umatungal. Gusto rin niyang uminom ng tubig. Sino ang takot sa leon?

One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?

Un león ruge. También quiere beber. ¿Quién le tiene miedo al león?

Isang elepante ang umiinom kasama ng leon.

One elephant is drinking water with the lion.

Un elefante está bebiendo agua con el león.

Written by: Zanele Buthelezi, Thembani Dladla, Clare Verbeek
Illustrated by: Rob Owen
Translated by: La Trinidad Mina
Read by: La Trinidad Mina
Language: Tagalog
Level: Level 1
Source: Counting animals from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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