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틴지와 소들 Tingi and the cows Tingi y las vacas

Written by Ingrid Schechter

Illustrated by Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Michelle Kim

Read by Scarlet Kim

Language Korean

Level Level 2

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틴지는 할머니랑 살았어요.

Tingi lived with his grandmother.

Tingi vivía con su abuela.

틴지는 할머니와 소들을 키웠어요.

He used to look after the cows with her.

Cuidaba a las vacas con ella.

어느 날 군인들이 왔어요.

One day the soldiers came.

Un día llegaron los soldados.

군인들이 소들을 데려갔어요.

They took the cows away.

Se llevaron las vacas.

틴지와 할머니는 도망쳐서 숨었어요.

Tingi and his grandmother ran away and hid.

Tingi y su abuela huyeron para esconderse.

그들은 밤까지 숲 속에 숨었어요.

They hid in the bush until night.

Se escondieron en el monte hasta la noche.

군인들이 돌아 왔어요.

Then the soldiers came back.

Pero los soldados regresaron.

할머니는 틴지를 나뭇잎 밑에 숨겼어요.

Grandmother hid Tingi under the leaves.

La abuela tomó a Tingi y lo escondió debajo de las hojas.

한 군인이 틴지를 밟았는데 틴지는 가만히 있었어요.

One of the soldiers put his foot right on him, but he kept quiet.

Uno de los soldados puso su pie directamente sobre él, pero Tingi se quedó en silencio.

안전해졌을 때, 틴지랑 할머니는 밖으로 나왔어요.

When it was safe, Tingi and his grandmother came out.

Cuando estuvieron a salvo, Tingi y su abuela salieron.

그들은 아주 조용히 집으로 기어 왔어요.

They crept home very quietly.

Se escabulleron a casa muy tranquilamente.

Written by: Ingrid Schechter
Illustrated by: Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Michelle Kim
Read by: Scarlet Kim
Language: Korean
Level: Level 2
Source: Tingi and the Cows from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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