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Imbuzi, Inja Nenkomo
Goat, Dog, and Cow
Chèvre, Chien et Vache
Fabian Wakholi
Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter
Ntswaki Vilane
Beauty Ngwenya
The audio for this story is currently not available.
Imbuzi, Inja neNkomo babengabangane abakhulu. Ngelinye ilanga bathatha uhambo ngetekisi.
Goat, Dog, and Cow
were great friends. One
day they went on a
journey in a taxi.
Chèvre, Chien et Vache étaient de très bons amis. Un jour ils firent un voyage en taxi.
Sebefike ekugcineni nohambo lwabo, umshayeli wabe esecela ukuthi bakhokhe. Inkomo yakhokha eyayo.
When they reached the
end of their journey, the
driver asked them to
pay their fares. Cow
paid her fare.
Quand ils atteignirent la fin de leur voyage, le chauffeur leur demanda de payer leurs tarifs. Vache paya son tarif.
Inja yakhokha imali ethe ukwendlula, ngoba kade Ingenayo imali eyanele.
Dog paid a bit extra,
because he did not
have the correct money.
Chien paya un petit peu plus parce qu’il n’avait pas la monnaie exacte.
Uma umshayeli esezilungisela ukunika Inja ushintshi wayo, Imbuzi yabaleka ngaphandle kokukhokha ngisho isenti.
The driver was about to
give Dog his change
when Goat ran away
without paying
Le chauffeur était prêt à donner Chien sa monnaie quand Chèvre est partie sans payer du tout.
Umshayeli wayecasuke kakhulu. Washaya Wachitha ngaphandle kokunika Inja ushintshi wayo.
The driver was very
annoyed. He drove
away without giving
Dog his change.
Le chauffeur était très contrarié. Il partit sans donner Chien sa monnaie.
Yingakho, Kuze kube namhlanje Inja igijimela ngaphambi kwemoto ilunguze ngaphakathi ukuze ithole umshayeli oyikweleta ushintshi wayo.
That is why, even
today, Dog runs
towards a car to peep
inside and find the
driver who owes him his
Voilà pourquoi, même aujourd’hui, Chien court vers une voiture pour jeter un coup d’œil à l’intérieur et trouver le chauffeur qui lui doit sa monnaie.
Imbuzi iyabaleka uma izwa umsindo wemoto isaba ukuthi izoboshwa ukuthi ayizange ilukhokhele uhambo eyayiluthathe nabangani bayo.
Goat runs away from
the sound of a car. She
is afraid she will be
arrested for not paying
her fare.
Chèvre fuit le son d’une voiture. Elle a peur qu’elle soit arrêtée pour ne pas avoir payé son tarif.
Inkomo ayinandaba mangabe kuza imoto. Inkomo ithatha isikhathi sayo uma iwela umgwaqo ngoba iyazi ukuthi yayikhokha yonke imali okwakufanele iyikhokhe.
And Cow is not
bothered when a car is
coming. Cow takes her
time crossing the road
because she knows she
paid her fare in full.
Et Vache n’est pas gênée quand une voiture arrive. Vache prend son temps pour traverser la rue parce qu’elle sait qu’elle a payé son tarif en intégralité.
Written by: Fabian Wakholi
Illustrated by: Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Ntswaki Vilane
Read by: Beauty Ngwenya
Language: Zulu