Wan elifant a go jrink waata.
Tuu jeraaf a go jrink waata.
Chrii bofaluo an fuor bod a go jrink waata tu.
Faiv impaala an siks waatag a waak go a di waata.
Sevn zebra a ron go a di waata.
Iet frag an nain fish a swim inna di waata.
Wan laiyan a ruor. Im waahn jrink tu. A uu fried a di laiyan?
Wan elifant a jrink waata wid di laiyan.
This story is brought to you by the Global African Storybook Project, an effort to translate the stories of the African Storybook Project into all the languages of the world.
You can view the original story on the ASP website here