Global ASP Guidelines for Audio Recording - Producers

Below are a series of guidelines for recording audio, developed during the process of creating freely-licensed audio versions of multilingual stories from the African Storybook and Global African Storybook Project collections.

Guidelines for producers

Technical considerations



Audio script

Field recording

Sometimes, it may be necessary to record out of studio in less than ideal conditions. Keep the following suggestions in mind:

Ambient noise

It is quite common for a microphone to pick up a significant amount of background noise that is imperceptible (or subconsciously ignored) under normal circumstances.

If it is not possible to avoid ambient noise in the location you are recording, it may be possible to mitigate by adjusting the loudness/levels of the reader. In short, if the audio you want to record is significantly louder than the background noise, it may be easier to remove that noise using a noise removal filter during post processing.

Soundproofing using available materials can sometimes reduce or eliminate environmental noise:

Using a DAW

The following guidelines are for those who have access to a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).