Basooleli babili be ntsala

Wantsala ni Wanda bali basooleli babili be ntsala.


Kuukhu ali khuukhola tsikeeki likhumi watsireere khu sowaani.


Wantsala waabukulakho ikeeki indwela ne Wanda waabukulakho tsibili.


Wantsala waabukula tsitsiindi tsine. Wanda naye waabukula tsibili.


Wantsala alya tsikeeki tsenga?

Ne Wanda alya tsenga?

Balekhela kuukhu tsenga?


Basooleli babili be ntsala

Text: Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi
Illustrations: Bronwen Heath
Translation: Cornelius Wekunya
Language: Lumasaaba
Read by: Stella Maris Namae

This story is brought to you by the Global African Storybook Project, an effort to translate the stories of the African Storybook Project into all the languages of the world.

You can view the original story on the ASP website here

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