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Cabelos Hair

Written by Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi

Illustrated by Bronwen Heath, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira

Read by Alfredo Ferreira

Language Portuguese

Level Level 1

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Thuli tem cabelos curtos.

Thuli has short hair.

Anna tem cabelos longos.

Anna has long hair.

Cathy tem os cabelos mais compridos.

Cathy has the longest hair.

Zama tem os cabelos entrelaçados.

Zama has plaited her hair.

Baba tem barba.

Baba has a beard.

Zanele penteou seus cabelos.

Zanele has combed her hair.

Thabo cortou seus cabelos.

Thabo has cut his hair.

Themba raspou seus cabelos.

Themba has shaved his hair.

Written by: Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi
Illustrated by: Bronwen Heath, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira
Read by: Alfredo Ferreira
Language: Portuguese
Level: Level 1
Source: Hair from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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