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د خره بچی Donkey Child

Written by Lindiwe Matshikiza

Illustrated by Meghan Judge

Translated by Zahidullah Abid

Language Pashto

Level Level 3

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یوې وړې نجلۍ ته په لرې فاصله کې یو شکل تر سترګو شو.

It was a little girl who first saw the mysterious shape in the distance.

څومره چې شکل رانېږدې کېده، هغې ولیدل چې دا یوه امیدواره ښځه ده.

As the shape moved closer, she saw that it was a heavily pregnant woman.

وړه جلۍ ډيره زړوره وه. میرمنې ته ورنږدې شوه، ويی ویل، “دا ښځه باید موږ له ځان سره یوسو” خلکو هم ومنله او زیاته ېې کړه، “چې میرمن او ماشوم باید خوندي ځای ته یوسو.”

Shy but brave, the little girl moved nearer to the woman. “We must keep her with us,” the little girl’s people decided. “We’ll keep her and her child safe.”

میرمن حامله وه او بچی ېې د زیږیدو په حال کې و، په عاطفي بڼه ېې ویل، “ویششش!!!” “کمپله راوړئ!!!” “اوبه راوړئ!!!!”

The child was soon on its way. “Push!” “Bring blankets!” “Water!” “Puuuuussssshhh!!!”

کله چې هغوی ماشوم ولیده، نو ټول حیران شول او شاته یې ټوپ کړ چیغه یې کړه. “وای خر؟!”

But when they saw the baby, everyone jumped back in shock. “A donkey?!”

خلکو خپل منځ کې خبرې کولې، ویل ېې چې د میرمنې او ماشوم سمه پالنه به وکړي، خو د دوی د غوښتنې برعکس ټول حیران و. ځینو ویل دا به موږ ته بدبختي راوړي.

Everyone began to argue. “We said we would keep mother and child safe, and that’s what we’ll do,” said some. “But they will bring us bad luck!” said others.

ښځه بیا یوازې شوه، حیرانه وه چې د نوي زیږیدلي بچي سره څه وکړي او ځانته هم په اندیښنه وه چې چیرته لاړه شي.

And so the woman found herself alone again. She wondered what to do with this awkward child. She wondered what to do with herself.

خو بالاخره هغې ومنله چې هغه د هغې ماشوم او دا د ده مور ده.

But finally she had to accept that he was her child and she was his mother.

د ښځې نوي زیږیدلي بچي وده وکړه ، او دومره لوی شو چې نور د میرمنې وس نه و چې په شا ېې وګرځوي. څومره چې ېې کوښښ وکړ د انسان په څير ېې چلند نه شو کولای، خو مور به ډيره ستړې وه. کله کله به ېې دې ته وهڅوه چې ځيني کارونه ترسره کړي.

Now, if the child had stayed that same, small size, everything might have been different. But the donkey child grew and grew until he could no longer fit on his mother’s back. And no matter how hard he tried, he could not behave like a human being. His mother was often tired and frustrated. Sometimes she made him do work meant for animals.

. خر ډير وارخطا او غوصه و. تل به ېې مور ورسره جګړه کوله. دا نه شې کولای، کار دې زده نه دی، بلاخره یوه ورځ خر غوصه شو او مور ېې په ځمکه ووهله.

Confusion and anger built up inside Donkey. He couldn’t do this and he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t be like this and he couldn’t be like that. He became so angry that, one day, he kicked his mother to the ground.

خر ډېر زیات شرمېده. او لرې یو ځای ته وتښتېده.

Donkey was filled with shame. He started to run away as far and fast as he could.

. کله چې ودرېده، ګوري چې توره شپه ده. اواز ېې وکړ، وېې انګل، خو یوازې خپل غږ ېې بیرته اورېده. یو ګوښه ځای څملاسته او په ژور خوب ویده شو.

By the time he stopped running, it was night, and Donkey was lost. “Hee haw?” he whispered to the darkness. “Hee Haw?” it echoed back. He was alone. Curling himself into a tight ball, he fell into a deep and troubled sleep.

کله چې له خوبه راویښ شو، په یو نابلد بوډا سړي یې سترګې ولګېدې چې ده ته په ځیر ځیر سره ګوري. هغه د زاړه سړي سترګو ته وکتل او د امید احساس یې پیدا شو.

Donkey woke up to find a strange old man staring down at him. He looked into the old man’s eyes and started to feel a twinkle of hope.

خر له بوډا سره د یو ځای اوسېدو په موخه روان شو، بوډا او خره له یو بل څخه ډير څه زده کړل، او له یو بل سره به ېې مرسته کوله. دوی په یوځای اوسیدو کې خوشحاله وو.

Donkey went to stay with the old man, who taught him many different ways to survive. Donkey listened and learned, and so did the old man. They helped each other, and they laughed together.

یو سهار بوډا له خره څخه وغوښتل چې هغه د غره سر ته ورسوي.

One morning, the old man asked Donkey to carry him to the top of a mountain.

په لوړه د ورېځو په منځ کې دواړه ویده شول. خره خوب وليده، چې مور يې ناروغه ده او ده ته غږ کوي. کله چې خر له خوبه راویښ شو …

High up amongst the clouds they fell asleep. Donkey dreamed that his mother was sick and calling to him. And when he woke up…

… ورېځې نه وې او ملګری یې “زوړ سړی” هم نه معلومېده.

… the clouds had disappeared along with his friend, the old man.

خر په پای کې پوه شو چې باید څه وکړي.

Donkey finally knew what to do.

خر خپله مور ولیدله چې یوازې وه او د خپل ورک شوى ماشوم په غم کې یې ژړل. دوی یو بل ته په ځیر ځیر وکتل. بیا یې یو بل په غېږ کې ونیول.

Donkey found his mother, alone and mourning her lost child. They stared at each other for a long time. And then hugged each other very hard.

. خر او مور ېې چې مخکې ېې د ګډ ژوند تجربه درلوده، اوس له یو بل سره خوښ و، او د وخت په تېرېدو سره د دوی تر څنګ ډيرو نورو کورنیو هم ژوند پیل کړ.

The donkey child and his mother have grown together and found many ways of living side by side. Slowly, all around them, other families have started to settle.

Written by: Lindiwe Matshikiza
Illustrated by: Meghan Judge
Translated by: Zahidullah Abid
Language: Pashto
Level: Level 3
Source: Donkey Child from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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