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Tedo Cooking Kupika

Written by Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi

Illustrated by Kathy Arbuckle, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Owino Ogot, Athieno Gertrude

Language Dhopadhola

Level Level 1

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Agowo rabwo.

I peel the potatoes.

Ninamenya viazi.

Anyaro kabico.

I chop a cabbage.

Ninakatakata kabichi.

Agweno karoti.

I grate the carrots.

Ninasaga karoti.

Alwoko bijanjali.

I wash the beans.

Ninaosha maharagwe.

Aŋado nyaryeŋa.

I cut the butternut.

Ninakata maboga.

Anyaro siku mawiki.

I chop the spinach.

Ninakatakata sukuma-wiki.

Mama ŋado katungulu.

My mom chops the onions.

Mama yangu anakatakata vitunguu.

Katungulu m’oŋadi lunga i waŋan.

Onions make me cry when they are chopped.

Vitunguu hunifanya nilie vikiwa vinakatwakatwa.

Written by: Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi
Illustrated by: Kathy Arbuckle, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Owino Ogot, Athieno Gertrude
Language: Dhopadhola
Level: Level 1
Source: Cooking from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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