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ነዞም እንስሳታት ርኣይዎም Tazama wanyama

Written by Jenny Katz

Illustrated by Sandy Campbell

Translated by Daniel Berhane Habte

Language Tigrinya

Level Level 1

Narrate full story The audio for this story is currently not available.

ነዞም እንስሳታት ርኣይዎም።

Tazama wanyama.

እታ ላም፡ “እምባሕ” ትብል።

Ng’ombe anasema, “Moo.”

እታ ጤል፡ “ሜእ፡ ሜእ” ትብል።

Mbuzi anasema, “Mee, mee.”

እቲ ፈረስ፡ “ንሂሂ” ይብል።

Farasi anasema, “Nei.”

እታ ሓሰማ፡ “ኵሪፍ” ትብል።

Nguruwe anasema, “Ngruu.”

እታ ደርሆ፡ “ቃቃቕ” ትብል።

Kuku anasema, “Ko, ko, ko.”

እቲ ከልቢ፡ “ውሕ” ይብል።

Mbwa anasema, “Wouh, wouh.”

እቲ ሓረስታይ፡ “እሽ…!” ይብል።

Mkulima anasema, “Nyamaza!”

Written by: Jenny Katz
Illustrated by: Sandy Campbell
Translated by: Daniel Berhane Habte
Language: Tigrinya
Level: Level 1
Source: Look at the animals from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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