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Esy’anzwiri Nywele

Written by Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi

Illustrated by Bronwen Heath, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Amos Mubunga Kambere

Language Lukhonzo

Level Level 1

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Thuli awithe esyanzwiri nguhi.

Thuli ana nywele fupi.

Anna awithe esya nzwiri nyiri.

Anna ana nywele ndefu.

Cathy awithe esyanzwiri nyiri kutsibu.

Cathy ana nywele ndefu kuliko wote.

Esya nzwiri sya Zuma silhukire.

Zama amesuka nywele zake.

Baba awithe esyanderu.

Baba ana ndevu.

Zanele abirizanula esya nzwiri siwe.

Zanele amechana nywele zake.

Thabo abireghembwa ekimemba.

Thabo amenyoa nywele zake.

Thembo abirighembwa engubule.

Themba amenyoa kipara.

Written by: Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi
Illustrated by: Bronwen Heath, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Amos Mubunga Kambere
Language: Lukhonzo
Level: Level 1
Source: Hair from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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