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Namukuru’s bicycle Ibhayisikili Likanamakuru Ibhayisekile Kanamukuru Namukuru's bicycle

Written by Munanga ASP teachers

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Read by Darshan Soni

Language English

Level Level 2

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Namukuru and her brother are ready for school.

UNamakuru nomfowabo sebelungele ukuya esikoleni.

UNamukuru nomntakwabo balungele ukuya esikolweni.

Namukuru and her brother are ready for school.

Namukuru carries her brother on her bicycle.

UNamakuru ugibelisa umfowabo ebhayisikilini lakhe.

UNamukuru uthwala umntakwabo kwibhayisekile yakhe.

Namukuru carries her brother on her bicycle.

Their friends cheer for them as they ride into school.

Abangani babo bayabahalalisela lapho bengena ngebhayisikili esikoleni.

Abahlobo babo bayababulisa endleleni eya esikolweni.

Their friends cheer for them as they ride into school.

While they are in the classroom, a monkey arrives outside. The monkey rides away on Namukuru’s bicycle!

Bathi besesendlini yokufundela, kwafika inkawu phandle. Inkawu igibela ibhayisikili likaNamakuru iyaphuma iyahamba.

Ngeli lixa beseklasini, inkawu iyafika ngaphandle. Inkawu imka nebhayisekile kaNamukuru!

While they are in the classroom, a monkey arrives outside. The monkey rides away on Namukuru’s bicycle!

The children chase the monkey.

Izingane ziyayijaha inkawu.

Abantwana baleqa inkawu.

The children chase the monkey.

The monkey leaves the bicycle under a tree.

Inkawu ishiya ibhayisikili phansi kwesihlahla.

Inkawu ishiya ibhayisekile phantsi komthi.

The monkey leaves the bicycle under a tree.

The monkey swims to an island in the middle of the lake. He climbs high into a tree.

Inkawu iyahlamba iya phakathi nechibi. Inombela kudekude phezulu esihlahleni.

Inkawu idadela kwisiqithi esiphakathi kwichibi. Ikhwela phezulu emthini.

The monkey swims to an island in the middle of the lake. He climbs high into a tree.

The monkey waves goodbye! The children wave back. Namukuru has her bicycle again.

Inkawu iyabathathazela ngesandla sayo! Izingane nazo ziyathathaza. Selibuyile futhi ibhayisikili lika Namakuru.

Inkawu iyabulisa iphephezelisa isandla! Abantwana nabo bayabulisa bephephezilisa izandla. UNamukuru uyifumene ibhayisekile yakhe kwakhona.

The monkey waves goodbye! The children wave back. Namukuru has her bicycle again.

Written by: Munanga ASP teachers
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Read by: Darshan Soni
Language: English
Level: Level 2
Source: Namkuru's bicycle from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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