Tom dra ‘n houer vol ryp piesangs.
Tom carries a tray of ripe bananas.
Tom gaan mark toe om die piesangs te verkoop.
Tom goes to the market to sell bananas.
Mense by die mark koop die vrugte.
People at the market are buying fruit.
Maar niemand koop Tom se piesangs nie. Hulle verkies om vrugte by vrouens te koop.
But no one is buying
Tom’s bananas.
They prefer to buy fruit from women.
“Net vrouens verkoop vrugte in ons gemeenskap,” sê die mense. ” Watse soort man is dit die?” vra die mense.
“In our community, only women sell fruit,” people say. “What kind of a man is this?” people ask.
Maar Tom gee nie moed op nie. Hy bly roep, ” Piesangs te koop! Koop my lekker ryp piesangs!”
But Tom does not give up.
He calls, “Buy my bananas!
Buy my sweet ripe bananas!”
Een vrou tel ‘n tros piesangs op uit die houer. Sy bekyk dit deeglik.
One woman picks up a bunch of bananas from the tray.
She looks at the bananas carefully.
Die vrou koop die piesangs.
The woman buys the bananas.
Meer mense na die stalletjie toe. Hulle koop Tom se piesangs en eet daarvan.
More people come to the stall.
They buy Tom’s bananas and eat them.
Sommer gou is die houer leeg. Tom tel hoeveel geld wat hy gemaak het.
Soon, the tray is empty.
Tom counts the money he earned.
Daarna gaan koop Tom seep, suiker en brood. Hy pak dit alles in sy houer.
Then Tom buys soap, sugar, and bread.
He puts the things in his tray.
Tom balanseer die houer op sy kop oppad huis toe.
Tom balances the tray on his head and goes home.