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Hen Kul Vir Arend Usikhukhukazi Uqiliga Ukhozi Usikhukukazi Uqhatha Ukhozi Hen tricks Eagle

Written by Nathan Higenyi

Illustrated by Rob Owen

Translated by Albi-Marie Coetzee and Cara Schutte

Language Afrikaans

Level Level 3

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Lank, lank gelede, was Arend en Hen beste maats. Op ‘n dag, het Arend vir Hen onder ‘n boom sien rus met ‘n sak vol kruideniersware. Hen het op een poot gestaan.

Kudaladala, uSikhukhukazi noKhozi babengabangani. Ngelinye ilanga, uKhozi wafica uSikhukhukazi ephumule phansi kwesihlahla nezikhwama zakhe. USikhukhukazi wayemi ngomlenze owodwa.

Kudala-dala, uSikhukukazi noKhozi babengabahlobo. Ngenye imini, uKhozi wafika uSikhukhukazi ephumle phantsi komthi neebhegi zakhe ezinegrosari. USikhukhukazi wayeme ngomlenze omnye.

Long ago Hen and Eagle were friends. One day, Eagle found Hen under a tree resting with her shopping bags. Hen was standing on one leg.

Arend vra vir Hen, “Hoekom staan jy op een poot? Wat het met jou ander poot gebeur?”

UKhozi wabuza uSikhukhukazi, “Uphi omunye umlenze wakho?”

UKhozi wabuza kuSikhukukazi, “Uphi omnye umlenze wakho?”

Eagle asked Hen, “Where is your other leg?”

Hen antwoord, “Die winkelier het al hierdie kruideniersware vir my gegee in ruil vir my poot.”

USikhukhukazi waphendula wathi, “Umphathisitolo uwunqumile, wase enginika le mpahla esikhundleni sawo.”

USikhukhukazi waphendula uKhozi wathi, “Unovenkile unqumle umlenze wam waze wandinika ezi bhegi endaweni yawo.”

Hen told Eagle, “The shopkeeper cut off my leg and gave me these groceries in return.”

Arend wou ook ‘n sak vol kruideniersware kry en vra vir Hen of sy dink die winkelier dieselfde vir hom sal doen. Hen antwoord, “Ek is seker die winkelier sal dit ook vir jou doen.”

UKhozi wabuza, “Ngingakwenza nami lokho?” UKhozi naye wayefuna izimpahla. USikhukhukazi wavuma.

UKhozi wabuza kuSikhukukazi ukuba angakwazi na naye ukwenza loo nto. Naye wayeyifuna ibhegi egcwele igrosari. USikhukukazi wavuma.

Eagle asked Hen whether he could do the same. He also wanted a bag of groceries. Hen agreed.

Arend gaan toe na die winkelier en vra haar om sy een poot af te kap in ruil vir ‘n sak kruideniersware. Die winkelier stem in.

Engazelele lutho umphathisitolo, kwafika uKhozi. “Ngicela unginqume umlenze nami bese unginika izimpahla.” Wavuma umphathisitolo.

UKhozi waya kunovenkile wamcela ukuba anqumle omnye umlenze wakhe aze amnike ibhegi enegrosari ngaphakathi. Unovenkile wavuma.

Eagle went to the shopkeeper and asked her to cut off one of his legs in exchange for groceries. The shopkeeper accepted.

Arme Arend hop al die pad huis toe op sy een poot. Hy was baie tevrede met al die kruideniersware wat hy gekry het in ruil vir sy poot.

Khele, khele, khele kukheleza uKhozi ebheke ekhaya. Wayejabule nokho ngempahla ayeyinikwe umphathisitolo.

UKhozi wangcileza ngomlenze omnye wade wayokufika ekhaya. Wayonwatyiswe kakhulu zizinto awayezinikwe ngunovenkile.

The eagle hopped on one leg all the way home. But he was happy with the things the shopkeeper gave him.

Toe Arend by die huis kom, sien hy dat Hen weer op altwee haar pote staan! Hy besef dat Hen hom gekul het.

Wathi efika ekhaya uKhozi, wafica uSikhukhukazi ehamba ngayo yomibili imilenze yakhe. “Mameshane!”

Wathi akufika ekhaya uKhozi, wabona uSikhukukazi ehamba ngayo yomibini imilenze yakhe.

When Eagle reached home, he found Hen with both her legs.

Arend was woedend en jaag toe vir Hen, maar hy kon haar nie vang nie. Dus jag Arend nou nog Hen se kuikentjies. As hy enetjie vang, eet hy dit op.

Wathukuthela uKhozi wagxumela uSikhukhukazi. Zaya kuSikhukhukazi. Yingakho uKhozi ehlala ehubha amachwane kaSikhukhukazi. Uma eke walibamba, uyalidla.

Wabanomsindo uKhozi waze waleqa uSikhukukazi. Kodwa akazange amfumane. Yiyo loo nto, uKhozi esoloko ekhangela amantshontsho kaSikhukukazi. Xa ethe walibona intshontsho, uyalibamba alitye.

Eagle was furious and chased Hen. But he never caught her. Instead, Eagle always looks out for Hen’s children. Whenever he catches one, he eats it.

Written by: Nathan Higenyi
Illustrated by: Rob Owen
Translated by: Albi-Marie Coetzee and Cara Schutte
Language: Afrikaans
Level: Level 3
Source: Hen tricks eagle from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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