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Hasie se groot skrik Rabbit under the tree

Written by Phumy Zikode

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Chante le Roux

Language Afrikaans

Level Level 4

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Hasie slaap onder die appelboom, toe val daar ‘n appel op sy kop.

Rabbit was sleeping under an apple tree. An apple fell down from a branch.

Hasie skrik baie groot! Hy hoor iemand skree:”Hardloop Hasie, hardloop!”

A voice said, “Run rabbit run!” She woke up quickly and ran away with great speed.

Hasie hardloop baie vinnig. Hy hardloop verby ‘n hoender. Die hoender is ook bang en hardloop saam.

She met a chicken. “Why are you running?” asked the chicken. Rabbit replied, “I don’t know. I just heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Hulle hardloop so vinnig as wat hulle kan!

The chicken was frightened. She started running when she heard what the rabbit said.

Hasie en Hoender hardloop tot by Hond. Hond sien hulle is bang. Hy is ook nou bang.

They met a dog. Dog asked, “Why are you running?” Chicken said, “I don’t know. I just heard what the rabbit said, and she doesn’t know. She heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Hasie, Hoender en Hond hardloop baie vinnig.

The dog was surprised about what she heard. She started running with Rabbit and Chicken.

Hasie, Hoender en Hond hardloop tot by Perd. Perd sien hulle is bang. Hy word ook bang.

They met a horse. The horse asked the dog, “Why are you running?” Dog said, “I don’t know. I just heard what the chicken said, and she doesn’t know. She heard what the rabbit said and she doesn’t know. She heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Hasie, Hoender, Hond en Perd hardloop almal saam. Hulle is baie bang.

The horse starts to run with the others.

Hasie, Hoender, Hond en Perd hardloop tot by Esel. Esel sien hulle is bang, hy word ook bang.

They met a donkey. The donkey asked, “Why are you running?” Horse replied, “I don’t know. I just heard what the dog said, and he doesn’t know. He heard what the chicken said and she doesn’t know. She heard what the rabbit said and she doesn’t know. She heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Nou hardloop Hasie, Hoender, Hond, Perd en Esel vinnig weg.

So Donkey starts running too.

Hulle hardloop so vinnig tot by Koei. Koei weet nie hoekom hulle bang is nie.

They met a cow. The cow asked, “Why are you running?” Donkey replied, “I don’t know. I just heard what the horse said, and she doesn’t know. She heard what the dog said and he doesn’t know. He heard what the chicken said and she doesn’t know. She heard what the rabbit said and she doesn’t know. She heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Hasie, Hoender, Hond, Perd en Esel verduidelik hoekom hulle bang is. Koei skrik groot. Sy hardloop saam hulle.

The cow is worried and starts to run as well.

Hasie, Hoender, Hond, Perd, Esel, en Koei hardloop tot by Kat. Kat is dadelik bang!

They met a cat. The cat asked, “Why are you running?” Cow replied, “I don’t know. I just heard what the donkey said, and he doesn’t know. He heard what the horse said and she doesn’t know. She heard what the dog said and he doesn’t know. He heard what the chicken said and she doesn’t know. She heard what the rabbit said and she doesn’t know. She heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Nou is Hasie, Hoender, Hond, Perd, Esel, Koei en Kat baie bang! Hulle hardloop rond en rond en rond.

The cat started running with the other animals.

Die seun sien al die diere rond hardloop. Hy lag. Die diere sien hom lag. Hulle weet hy het ‘n groot grap met Hasie gemaak.

Then they met the boy riding the bicycle and he asked, “Why are you running?” And the animals replied, “We don’t know. We heard what the rabbit said and she doesn’t know. She heard something falling and a voice said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Die seun lag harder toe hy Hasie se gesig sien. Hy vertel vir Haas dat hy hom wou skrik maak. Hasie is bly dat dit net ‘n groot grappie was.

The boy laughed and said, “An apple feel off the tree because of the wind. I’m the one who said, ‘Run rabbit run!’”

Written by: Phumy Zikode
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Chante le Roux
Language: Afrikaans
Level: Level 4
Source: Rabbit under the tree from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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