Ek hou daarvan om saam met my vriend tou te spring.
I enjoy skipping with my friend.
Ek hou daarvan om letters op die bord te skryf.
I enjoy writing letters on the board.
Ek hou daarvan om boeke met prentjies te lees.
I enjoy reading books with pictures.
Ek hou daarvan om verskillende vrugte te eet.
I enjoy eating different fruit.
Ek hou daarvan om in die huis te help.
I enjoy helping at home.
Ek hou daarvan om na my ma se stories te luister.
I enjoy listening to my mother’s stories.
Ek hou daarvan om in ’n groot bed te slaap.
I enjoy sleeping on a big bed.
Ek hou daarvan om al hierdie goed te doen.
I enjoy doing these things. What do you enjoy doing?