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Nuuskierige Baba Olifant
Indlovu Eyayithanda Izinto
Indlela Iindlovu Ezafumana Ngayo Imiboko Emide
Curious Baby Elephant
Judith Baker
Wiehan de Jager
Fanie Viljoen
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Almal weet ’n olifant het ’n baie lang neus.
Siyazi ukuthi indlovu inomboko omude.
Sonke siyayazi into yokuba indlovu inomboko omde.
Everyone knows that the elephant has a very long nose.
Maar lank gelede was die olifant se neus kort en dik.
Emandulo umboko wendlovu wawumfishane. Wawubukeka kabi.
Kodwa kudala umboko wendlovu wawumfutshane kakhulu futhi utyebile okwesihlangu esibekwe ebusweni bayo. Wawuyimpumlo nje eqhelekileyo.
But a long time ago, the elephant’s nose was short and fat. Like a shoe in the middle of its face.
Eendag is ’n baba olifantjie gebore.
Kwazalwa inkonyane eyayithanda izinto. Yayihlala inombuzo ngezinye izilwane.
Ngenye imini kwazalwa ithole lendlovu. Lalinomdla ngayo yonke into. Lalisoloko linombuzo kwisilwanyana ngasinye.
One day a baby elephant was born. She was curious about everything. She had a question for every animal.
Sy was nuuskierig oor Kameelperd.
Yahlangana nendlulamithi. “Kungani unentamo ende?”
Lalilangazelela ukwazi ngendlulamthi. “Kutheni unomqala omde?” labuza kwindlulamthi.
She was curious about Giraffe. “Why do you have a long neck?” she asked.
Sy was nuuskierig oor Renoster.
Ngakusasa yahlangana nobhejane. “Kungani unophondo olucijile?”
Lalilangazelela ukwazi ngomkhombe. “Kutheni uneempondo ezitsolo?” Labuza kumkhombe.
She was curious about Rhino. “Why does your horn have a sharp point?”
Sy was nuuskierig oor Seekoei.
Yaphinde yahlangana nemvubu. “Kungani unamehlo abomvu?”
Lalilangazelela ukwazi ngemvubu. “Kutheni unamehlo abomvu nje?” Labuza kwimvubu.
She was curious about Hippo. “Why do you have red eyes?” she asked.
En sy was BAIE nuuskierig oor Krokodil.
Ngoba yayithanda izinto, yafuna ukwazi ngengwenya. Ngabe ingwenya idlani ngesidlo sakusihlwa?
Kanti lalilangazelela KAKHULU ukwazi ngengwenya. ”Ingwenya itya ntoni ngesidlo sangokuhlwa?”
And she was VERY curious about Crocodile. “What does Crocodile eat for dinner?” she asked.
“Moet nooit daardie vraag vra nie!” het haar ma gesê.
“Ungalokothi ubuze umbuzo onjalo!” kusho umama wayo. Yahamba inyukubele.
“Ungakulinge uphinde ubuze umbuzo onjalo!” watsho umama walo. Waze wahamba engatyhilekanga.
“Never ask a question like that!” said her mother. Then she walked off, frowning.
Vinnig het Kraai na die baba olifant afgevlieg.
Ngokushesha igwababa landizela phansi, lahlala eduze kwendlovu. Lathi, “Ngilandele siye emfuleni, uzobona-ke ukuthi ingwenya idlani kusihlwa.”
Kodwa ngokukhawuleza kwafika uNomyayi owayekrelekrele wathi, “Ndilandele siye emlanjeni. Apho uza kutsho ubone ukuba ingwenya itya ntoni ngesopholo.”
Quickly Crow flew down to baby elephant. “Follow me to the river. There you will see what Crocodile eats for dinner,” squawked Crow.
Die baba olifant volg toe vir Kraai af na die rivier.
Nangempela indlovu yalandela igwababa.
Ngenene ithole lendlovu lalandela unomyayi ukuya emlanjeni.
So the baby elephant followed Crow down to the river.
Sy het deur die riete gedruk en op die wal gaan staan.
Indlovu yazimpintsha yangena emhlangeni yama osebeni lomfula. Iphi ingwenya pho?
Lazinyanzela ezingcongolweni laze lema enyeleni yomlambo. Lajonga emanzini. Yayiphi ingwenya?
She pushed through the reeds and stood on the bank. She looked into the water. Where was Crocodile?
“Hallo,” het ’n klip naby die rivierwal gesê.
“Sawubona,” kusho itshe ngasosebeni lomfula. “Yebo,” kuphendula indlovu. “Ungangitshela ukuthi ingwenya idlani ngesidlo sakusihlwa?”
“Molo,” kwatsho ilitye elalingakwinyele yomlambo. “Ewe,” laphendula ithole lendlovu. “Ungandichazela ukuba ingwenya itya ntoni ngesopholo?”
“Hello,” said a stone near the river bank. “Hello,” said Baby Elephant. “Can you tell me what Crocodile eats for dinner?” she asked.
“Buk ’n bietjie laer, dan vertel ek jou,” het die klip geantwoord. “Laer, laer,” het die klip weer gesê.
“Lalela-ke, goba ngizokutshela,” kuphendula itshe. “Goba futhi, futhi,” kuqhubeka itshe. Nangempela indlovu yehlela phansi yaze.”
“Goba uze ezantsi ndizokukuxelela,” laphendula ilitye. “Yehla, yehla, kwakhona.” Ngenene ithole lendlovu lagoba, lehla, laphinda lehla laze.
“Bend down and I will tell you,” said the stone. “Lower, lower,” said the stone. So Baby Elephant bent down lower, and lower.
Met ’n skielike KLAP! vang Krokodil Baba Olifant se neus in sy kake vas. “Krokodil sal jou vir aandete eet!” het Kraai gekras en weggevlieg.
“Ngqi!” Ikhala layo lase lise mhlathini wengwenya. “Helele! Izodla wena ingwenya ngesidlo sakusihlwa!” kutswininiza igwababa.
“Xhakamfu!” Impumlo yethole lendlovu yabe sele isezindlathini zengwenya. “Ingwenya iza kutya wena ngesopholo!” Wakhala watsho unomyayi.
Then suddenly, “Snap!” Baby Elephant’s nose was caught in Crocodile’s jaws. “Crocodile will eat you for dinner!” squawked Crow, and flew away.
Baba Olifant het op haar sterk agterpote gaan sit en getrek. Sy het getrek en getrek. Maar Krokodil het nie haar neus laat los nie.
Indlovu yazabalaza ngemilenze yayo yangemuva eqinile, yadonsa, yadonsa, yadonsa. Ingwenya ayizange iyidedele. Ikhala lendlovu ladonseka, ladonseka, ladonseka. Dalakaxa! Yawa yashayeka ngomhlane odakeni.
Ithole lendlovu laxhathisa ngemilenze yalo yangemva eqinileyo, latsala, latsala, latsala. Kodwa ingwenya ayatsho ukuliyeka.
Baby Elephant sat back on her strong legs and pulled. She pulled, and pulled. But Crocodile did not let go of her nose.
Baba Olifant se neus het al langer en langer en langer gerek.
Tshobe ingwenya emanzini. “Ngaze ngaphuthelwa ukudla okumnandi!”
Impumlo yethole lendlovu yanwebeka, yanwebeka, yanwebeka laze. “Dudlu!” lawa labetheka ngomqolo.
Baby Elephant’s nose stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Then, “Thud!” she fell on her back.
Krokodil het in die water weggesak.
Indlovu yabheka umboko wayo. “Maye! Ikhala lami leli, elide kangaka?”
Ngokudikwa kukuphuncukwa sisidlo, ingwenya yatshona phantsi kwamazi.
Crocodile sunk back into the water. He was cross about losing his dinner.
Baba Olifant het na haar neus gekyk.
Lalilide kangangoba lalikwazi ukufinyelela emagatsheni aphezulu esihlahleni.
Ithole lendlovu lajonga impumlo yalo. Kodwa lalingakwazi ukubona apho yayiphela khona!
Baby Elephant looked at her nose. It was stretched very long. She could not see where it ended!
Haar neus was so lank dat sy vrugte van die hoogste boomtakke kon afpluk.
Indlovu kwayisiza lokhu. Yayisikwazi ukuzigeza umhlane wayo ngamanzi uma ilanga lishisa.
Impumlo yalo yayinde kangangokuba yayinokukwazi ukukha iziqhamo emasebeni aphezulu emithi.
Her nose was so long she could pick fruit from high branches.
Haar neus was so lank dat sy water op haar rug kon spuit.
Kusukela ngalelo langa, zonke izindlovu zinemiboko emide elusizo kuzona.
Impumlo yalo yayinde kangangokuba yayinokukwazi nokuhlamba umqolo walo ngamanzi. Ukusukela ngaloo mini, zonke iindlovu zaba nemiboko emide eluncedo.
Her nose was so long she could shower her back with water. From that day, all elephants had long and useful trunks.
Written by: Judith Baker
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Fanie Viljoen