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Die Wildwagter en Sy Spesiale Reservaat
Umgcini nesikhungo esikhethekile
UMgcini nekhaya leenkedama
Keeper and His Special Nursery
Ursula Nafula
Magriet Brink
Fanie Viljoen
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Hierdie is die storie van ’n wildwagter en sy reservaat vir weesdiere.
Lena yindaba yomgcini
nesikhungo sezilwane
Eli bali lithetha ngoMgcini
nekhaya lakhe lezilwanyana
This is the story of Keeper and his nursery for orphaned animals.
Verlede maand was ’n besige tyd by die reservaat. Die eenjarige Nomsa het eerste aangekom. Sy was maer en hartseer.
Inyanga edlule
kwakuyinyanga ematasatasa
UNomusa ononyaka waba
ngowokuqala ukufika.
Wayezacile futhi elusizi.
Le nyanga iphelileyo
ibixakeke kakhulu kweli
khaya. UNomsa ononyaka
omnye ezelwe waba
ngokowokuqala ukufika.
Wayebhityile ekhathazekile.
Last month was a busy month at the nursery. The first one to arrive at the nursery was one-year old Nomsa. She was thin and sad.
Maar Nomsa het gou sterk geword. Sy het met die ander diere begin speel.
Kodwa ngokukhulu
ukushesha uNomusa wavele
Waqala ukudlala
nezinye izilwane.
Kodwa ngokukhawuleza,
uNomsa womelela. Waqalisa
ukudlala nezinye izilwanyana.
But soon, Nomsa got stronger. She began to play with the other animals.
Op ’n ander dag het ’n helikopter by die reservaat geland.
Ngelinye ilanga
ngayo leyo nyanga,
kwathi cababa
indiza enophephela emhlane
kuleso sikhungo.
Ngenye imini kulonyanga,
kwafika inqwelo-ntaka kwelo
khaya leenkedama.
On another day that month, a helicopter landed at the nursery.
In die helikopter was ’n klein olifantjie. Hy het onder ’n groot kombers gelê.
Kundiza enophephela
emhlane kwakunendlovu
encane phansi kwengubo
yokulala enkulu.
Kulo nqwelo-ntaka kwakukho
intshontsho lendlovu
lombathiswe ngengubo
In the helicopter was a small elephant under a big blanket. Her name was Ndiwa.
Die olifantjie se naam was Ndiwa. Hy was vyf dae oud. Die wildwagter het Ndiwa met ’n bottel gevoer.
UNdiwa wayengaphansi
kwengubo yokulala.
ezinhlanu ezelwe.
Umgcini wamncelisa
UNdiwa wayephantsi
kwengubo. Wayeneentsuku
ezintlanu ubudala. UMgcini
wancancisa uNdiwa ibhotile.
Ndiwa was five days old. Keeper fed Ndiwa with a bottle.
Een aand het die aankoms van Ambia almal wakker gemaak.
Ngobunye ubusuku,
wonke umuntu
wavuswa ngukufika
Ngobunye ubusuku, wonke
umntu wavuswa kukufika
kuka Ambia.
One night, everybody was woken up by the arrival of Ambia, a giraffe.
Ambia was vyf maande oud. Sy was swak na haar lang reis.
emva kohambo
lwakhe olude.
UAmbia wayeneenyanga
ezintlanu ubudala.
Wayebuthathaka emva
kohambo lwakhe olude.
Ambia was five months’ old. She was weak after her long journey.
Omdat Ambia se nek so lank was, het die wildwagter in ‘n boom geklim om haar te voer.
Ngenxa yentamo
yakhe ende,
umgcini kwakufanele
aliphakamisele phezulu
ibhodlela ukuze
akwazi ukumncelisa.
Ngenxa yentamo yakhe ende,
uMgcini wayibambela
phezulu ibhotile encancisa
Because of her long neck, Keeper held the bottle high to feed Ambia.
Die laaste wesies wat daardie maand opgedaag het, was die honger welpies: Kopi, Kepi en Keji.
Izintandane ezagcina ukufika
ngaleyo nyanga
ayelambile oKopi, noKepi,
Iinkedama zokugqibela
ukufika kulo nyanga zilambile
yayingamantshontsho uKopi,
uKepi kunye noKeji.
The last orphans to arrive that month were three hungry cubs. Their names were Kopi, Kepi and Keji.
Die wildwagter en sy helpers is baie lief vir al die diere. Ook vir die stoutes!
Umgcini nabasizi
bakhe babezithanda
zonke izilwane,
ngisho nalezo
UMgcini nabancedi bakhe
bazithanda zonke
izilwanyana, nditsho
Keeper and his helpers love all of the animals, even the naughty ones.
Die mense by die reservaat werk hard. Hulle hoop die wesies kan eendag vir hulleself sorg. Die diere kan dan terugkeer na die veld.
Abantu bakulesi sikhungo
basebenza kanzima.
Bathemba ukuthi ngelinye
ilanga izintandane ziyokwazi
ukuzinakekela ngokwazo.
Uma kunjalo ziyokwazi
ukubuyela endle.
Abantu abakwikhaya
lenkedama basebenza
ngamandla. Bathemba ukuba
ngenye imini iinkedama
zingakwazi ukuziphilela. Ezi
zilwanyana zibuyele endle.
The people at the nursery work hard. They hope that one day the orphans can look after themselves. Then these animals can return to the wild.
Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Magriet Brink
Translated by: Fanie Viljoen