Sinyaire village is surrounded by
Many snakes live in the forest on
those hills.
The biggest snake was called
Unyalego by the villagers.
This snake scared many people.
It swallowed whole goats and
Eendag wil Apiyo, Ajoh en Atieno na die woud toe stap om vuurmaakhout te gaan haal.
One day, sisters Apiyo, Ajoh and
Atieno were going to the forest to
fetch firewood.
The girls’ grandmother warned,
“Beware of Unyalego the big snake.
Do not take anything from the
forest except the wood.”
Only Ajoh did not pay attention to
her grandmother.
Die meisies het melk, piesangs, patats en water ingepak. Hulle het ook toue gekry, en ’n skerp kapmes waarmee hulle hout kon kap.
The girls packed milk, bananas,
sweet potatoes and water.
They took ropes for tying firewood
and a sharp machete for chopping
the wood.
Then they left for the forest.
Atieno called to the others, “Look,
here are Unyalego’s golden teeth.
Let us take them.”
Apiyo reminded them, “Don’t forget
grandmother’s warning. We must
not take anything from the forest
except firewood.”
“Ek vertrou nie vir Ouma nie,” het Ajoh geantwoord. “Ek dink sy wil keer dat ons kry wat ons wil hê. Sy is jaloers op ons. Ek sal die goue tande vat.”
U-Ajoh wathi, “Andiyikholelwa mna into ethethwa ngumakhulu. Ndicinga ukuba ubesitsho nje kuba engafuni ukuba sizithathele izinto esizithandayo. Unomona umakhulu. Ndiza kuwathatha mna la mazinyo egolide.” Oodadewabo bakhathazeka kakhulu ngale nto. “Ajoh, uze ungathi khange sikuxelele.” U-Ajoh akazange abahoye.
Ajoh said, “I don’t trust
grandmother. I think she said that
to stop us having what we want. I
want the golden teeth.”
Her sisters were worried. “Ajoh, we
warned you,” they said.
Ajoh did not care.
Net toe kom soek Lego na sy tande. Hy was woedend omdat hy sy goue tande nêrens kon kry nie. Skielik hoor Lego die meisies gesels en lag.
At that moment Unyalego came
looking for his golden teeth. He was
furious when he could not find the
Then Unyalego heard the girls
chatting and laughing. He hid under
a rock next to the road where the
girls would pass on their way back.
Die susters het hulle vuurmaakhout op hul koppe gedra. Meteens hoor hulle, “Sisssssss!” Hulle was so bang en het probeer wegkruip.
The sisters were going home
carrying their firewood on their
Suddenly, they heard “Hzzzzzzzz!”
There was Unyalego with his mouth
wide open, ready to bite. The girls
were terrified.
Unyalego asked the girls, “Who
took my golden teeth?” No one
The snake decided to test the girls.
“Whoever is innocent, will be able
to sing without mistakes. She will
go home with her firewood.
But the guilty one will sing badly.
She will be my food for the next
three days!”
Apiyo started to sing with a clear
“Sio mimi, sio mimi aliye na meno,
Mwenye meno bado yuko nyuma.”
Then Atieno sang the song. She also
sang well.
Ajoh se beurt was heel laaste. Sy was vreeslik bang. Sy het vorentoe getree en begin sing. Maar haar sang was verskriklik en die woorde sommer heeltemal verkeerd.
Lastly, it was Ajoh’s turn. She was
scared. She stepped forward and
started singing. But her singing
sounded terrible and the words
were wrong.
Unyalego shouted, “Can’t you sing
properly like the others?”
The snake knew that Ajoh took his
golden teeth.
Bimbilili! U-Unyalego wamginya u-Ajoh. Oodadewabo babaleka bagoduka bayokuxela esi senzo sibi kangaka esenzekileyo.
Unyalego opened his huge jaws and
swallowed Ajoh.
Her sisters ran back to the village.
They told everyone the story of
what happened.
“I warned her, if only she had
listened,” the girls’ grandmother
said sadly.