Once there was a very hungry crocodile.
Once there was a very hungry crocodile.
ˈwəns ˈðɛɹ ˈwɑz ˈeɪ ˈvɛɹi
ˈhəŋɡɹi ˈkɹɑkəˌdaɪɫ
He searched for food slowly and quietly. And then…
He searched for food slowly and quietly. And then…
ˈhi ˈsɝtʃt ˈfɔɹ ˈfud
ˈsɫoʊɫi ˈænd ˈkwaɪətɫi
ˈænd ˈðɛn
POW!!! The crocodile strikes!
POW!!! The crocodile strikes!
ˈðə ˈkɹɑkəˌdaɪɫ ˈstɹaɪks
After that he is no longer hungry, and he is happy.
After that he is no longer hungry, and he is happy.
ˈæftɝ ˈðæt ˈhi ˈɪz ˈnoʊ
ˈɫɔŋɡɝ ˈhəŋɡɹi ˈænd ˈhi
ˈɪz ˈhæpi
Until he gets hungry again.
Until he gets hungry again.
ənˈtɪɫ ˈhi ˈɡɛts ˈhəŋɡɹi