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Simbegwire Simbegwire @simbegwire

Written by Rukia Nantale

Illustrated by Benjamin Mitchley

Read by Darshan Soni

Language English

Level Level 5

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When Simbegwire’s mother died, she was very sad. Simbegwire’s father did his best to take care of his daughter. Slowly, they learned to feel happy again, without Simbegwire’s mother. Every morning they sat and talked about the day ahead. Every evening they made dinner together. After they washed the dishes, Simbegwire’s father helped her with homework.

When Simbegwire’s mother died, she was very sad. Simbegwire’s father did his best to take care of his daughter. Slowly, they learned to feel happy again, without Simbegwire’s mother. Every morning they sat and talked about the day ahead. Every evening they made dinner together. After they washed the dishes, Simbegwire’s father helped her with homework.

ˈhwɛn @simbegwire’s ˈməðɝ ˈdaɪd ˈʃi ˈwɑz ˈvɛɹi ˈsæd @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈdɪd ˈhɪz ˈbɛst ˈtu ˈteɪk ˈkɛɹ ˈəv ˈhɪz ˈdɔtɝ ˈsɫoʊɫi ˈðeɪ ˈɫɝnd ˈtu ˈfiɫ ˈhæpi əˈɡeɪn wɪˈðaʊt @simbegwire’s ˈməðɝ ˈɛvɝi ˈmɔɹnɪŋ ˈðeɪ ˈsæt ˈænd ˈtɔkt əˈbaʊt ˈðə ˈdeɪ əˈhɛd ˈɛvɝi ˈivnɪŋ ˈðeɪ ˈmeɪd ˈdɪnɝ təˈɡɛðɝ ˈæftɝ ˈðeɪ ˈwɑʃt ˈðə ˈdɪʃəz @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈhɛɫpt ˈhɝ ˈwɪð ˈhoʊmˌwɝk

One day, Simbegwire’s father came home later than usual. “Where are you my child?” he called. Simbegwire ran to her father. She stopped still when she saw that he was holding a woman’s hand. “I want you to meet someone special, my child. This is Anita,” he said smiling.

One day, Simbegwire’s father came home later than usual. “Where are you my child?” he called. Simbegwire ran to her father. She stopped still when she saw that he was holding a woman’s hand. “I want you to meet someone special, my child. This is Anita,” he said smiling.

ˈwən ˈdeɪ @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈkeɪm ˈhoʊm ˈɫeɪtɝ ˈðæn ˈjuʒəwəɫ ˈhwɛɹ ˈɑɹ ˈju ˈmaɪ ˈtʃaɪɫd ˈhi ˈkɔɫd @simbegwire ˈɹæn ˈtu ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈʃi ˈstɑpt ˈstɪɫ ˈhwɛn ˈʃi ˈsɔ ˈðæt ˈhi ˈwɑz ˈhoʊɫdɪŋ ˈeɪ ˈwʊmənz ˈhænd ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈju ˈtu ˈmit ˈsəmˌwən ˈspɛʃəɫ ˈmaɪ ˈtʃaɪɫd ˈðɪs ˈɪz əˈnitə ˈhi ˈsɛd ˈsmaɪɫɪŋ

“Hello Simbegwire, your father told me a lot about you,” said Anita. But she did not smile or take the girl’s hand. Simbegwire’s father was happy and excited. He talked about the three of them living together, and how good their life would be. “My child, I hope you will accept Anita as your mother,” he said.

“Hello Simbegwire, your father told me a lot about you,” said Anita. But she did not smile or take the girl’s hand. Simbegwire’s father was happy and excited. He talked about the three of them living together, and how good their life would be. “My child, I hope you will accept Anita as your mother,” he said.

həˈɫoʊ @simbegwire ˈjɔɹ ˈfɑðɝ ˈtoʊɫd ˈmi ˈeɪ ˈɫɑt əˈbaʊt ˈju ˈsɛd əˈnitə ˈbət ˈʃi ˈdɪd ˈnɑt ˈsmaɪɫ ˈɔɹ ˈteɪk ˈðə ˈɡɝɫz ˈhænd @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈwɑz ˈhæpi ˈænd ɪkˈsaɪtəd ˈhi ˈtɔkt əˈbaʊt ˈðə ˈθɹi ˈəv ˈðɛm ˈɫɪvɪŋ təˈɡɛðɝ ˈænd ˈhaʊ ˈɡʊd ˈðɛɹ ˈɫaɪf ˈwʊd ˈbi ˈmaɪ ˈtʃaɪɫd ˈaɪ ˈhoʊp ˈju ˈwɪɫ ækˈsɛpt əˈnitə ˈæz ˈjɔɹ ˈməðɝ ˈhi ˈsɛd

Simbegwire’s life changed. She no longer had time to sit with her father in the mornings. Anita gave her so many household chores that she was too tired to do her school work in the evenings. She went straight to bed after dinner. Her only comfort was the colourful blanket her mother gave her. Simbegwire’s father did not seem to notice that his daughter was unhappy.

Simbegwire’s life changed. She no longer had time to sit with her father in the mornings. Anita gave her so many household chores that she was too tired to do her school work in the evenings. She went straight to bed after dinner. Her only comfort was the colourful blanket her mother gave her. Simbegwire’s father did not seem to notice that his daughter was unhappy.

@simbegwire’s ˈɫaɪf ˈtʃeɪndʒd ˈʃi ˈnoʊ ˈɫɔŋɡɝ ˈhæd ˈtaɪm ˈtu ˈsɪt ˈwɪð ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈɪn ˈðə ˈmɔɹnɪŋz əˈnitə ˈɡeɪv ˈhɝ ˈsoʊ ˈmɛni ˈhaʊsˌhoʊɫd ˈtʃɔɹz ˈðæt ˈʃi ˈwɑz ˈtu ˈtaɪɝd ˈtu ˈdu ˈhɝ ˈskuɫ ˈwɝk ˈɪn ˈðə ˈivnɪŋz ˈʃi ˈwɛnt ˈstɹeɪt ˈtu ˈbɛd ˈæftɝ ˈdɪnɝ ˈhɝ ˈoʊnɫi ˈkəmfɝt ˈwɑz ˈðə ˈkəɫɝfəɫ ˈbɫæŋkət ˈhɝ ˈməðɝ ˈɡeɪv ˈhɝ @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈdɪd ˈnɑt ˈsim ˈtu ˈnoʊtəs ˈðæt ˈhɪz ˈdɔtɝ ˈwɑz ənˈhæpi

After a few months, Simbegwire’s father told them that he would be away from home for a while. “I have to travel for my job,” he said. “But I know you will look after each other.” Simbegwire’s face fell, but her father did not notice. Anita did not say anything. She was not happy either.

After a few months, Simbegwire’s father told them that he would be away from home for a while. “I have to travel for my job,” he said. “But I know you will look after each other.” Simbegwire’s face fell, but her father did not notice. Anita did not say anything. She was not happy either.

ˈæftɝ ˈeɪ ˈfju ˈmənθs @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈtoʊɫd ˈðɛm ˈðæt ˈhi ˈwʊd ˈbi əˈweɪ ˈfɹəm ˈhoʊm ˈfɔɹ ˈeɪ ˈhwaɪɫ ˈaɪ ˈhæv ˈtu ˈtɹævəɫ ˈfɔɹ ˈmaɪ ˈdʒɑb ˈhi ˈsɛd ˈbət ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ ˈju ˈwɪɫ ˈɫʊk ˈæftɝ ˈitʃ ˈəðɝ @simbegwire’s ˈfeɪs ˈfɛɫ ˈbət ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈdɪd ˈnɑt ˈnoʊtəs əˈnitə ˈdɪd ˈnɑt ˈseɪ ˈɛniˌθɪŋ ˈʃi ˈwɑz ˈnɑt ˈhæpi ˈaɪðɝ

Things got worse for Simbegwire. If she didn’t finish her chores, or she complained, Anita hit her. And at dinner, the woman ate most of the food, leaving Simbegwire with only a few scraps. Each night Simbegwire cried herself to sleep, hugging her mother’s blanket.

Things got worse for Simbegwire. If she didn’t finish her chores, or she complained, Anita hit her. And at dinner, the woman ate most of the food, leaving Simbegwire with only a few scraps. Each night Simbegwire cried herself to sleep, hugging her mother’s blanket.

ˈθɪŋz ˈɡɑt ˈwɝs ˈfɔɹ @simbegwire ˈɪf ˈʃi ˈdɪdən ˈfɪnɪʃ ˈhɝ ˈtʃɔɹz ˈɔɹ ˈʃi kəmˈpɫeɪnd əˈnitə ˈhɪt ˈhɝ ˈænd ˈæt ˈdɪnɝ ˈðə ˈwʊmən ˈeɪt ˈmoʊs ˈəv ˈðə ˈfud ˈɫivɪŋ @simbegwire ˈwɪð ˈoʊnɫi ˈeɪ ˈfju ˈskɹæps ˈitʃ ˈnaɪt @simbegwire ˈkɹaɪd hɝˈsɛɫf ˈtu ˈsɫip ˈhəɡɪŋ ˈhɝ ˈməðɝz ˈbɫæŋkət

One morning, Simbegwire was late getting out of bed. “You lazy girl!” Anita shouted. She pulled Simbegwire out of bed. The precious blanket caught on a nail, and tore in two.

One morning, Simbegwire was late getting out of bed. “You lazy girl!” Anita shouted. She pulled Simbegwire out of bed. The precious blanket caught on a nail, and tore in two.

ˈwən ˈmɔɹnɪŋ @simbegwire ˈwɑz ˈɫeɪt ˈɡɛtɪŋ ˈaʊt ˈəv ˈbɛd ˈju ˈɫeɪzi ˈɡɝɫ əˈnitə ˈʃaʊtɪd ˈʃi ˈpʊɫd @simbegwire ˈaʊt ˈəv ˈbɛd ˈðə ˈpɹɛʃəs ˈbɫæŋkət ˈkɑt ˈɑn ˈeɪ ˈneɪɫ ˈænd ˈtɔɹ ˈɪn ˈtu

Simbegwire was very upset. She decided to run away from home. She took the pieces of her mother’s blanket, packed some food, and left the house. She followed the road her father had taken.

Simbegwire was very upset. She decided to run away from home. She took the pieces of her mother’s blanket, packed some food, and left the house. She followed the road her father had taken.

@simbegwire ˈwɑz ˈvɛɹi ˈəpˌsɛt ˈʃi ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd ˈtu ˈɹən əˈweɪ ˈfɹəm ˈhoʊm ˈʃi ˈtʊk ˈðə ˈpisəz ˈəv ˈhɝ ˈməðɝz ˈbɫæŋkət ˈpækt ˈsəm ˈfud ˈænd ˈɫɛft ˈðə ˈhaʊs ˈʃi ˈfɑɫoʊd ˈðə ˈɹoʊd ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈhæd ˈteɪkən

When it came to evening, she climbed a tall tree near a stream and made a bed for herself in the branches. As she went to sleep, she sang: “Maama, maama, maama, you left me. You left me and never came back. Father doesn’t love me anymore. Mother, when are you coming back? You left me.”

When it came to evening, she climbed a tall tree near a stream and made a bed for herself in the branches. As she went to sleep, she sang: “Maama, maama, maama, you left me. You left me and never came back. Father doesn’t love me anymore. Mother, when are you coming back? You left me.”

ˈhwɛn ˈɪt ˈkeɪm ˈtu ˈivnɪŋ ˈʃi ˈkɫaɪmd ˈeɪ ˈtɔɫ ˈtɹi ˈnɪɹ ˈeɪ ˈstɹim ˈænd ˈmeɪd ˈeɪ ˈbɛd ˈfɔɹ hɝˈsɛɫf ˈɪn ˈðə ˈbɹæntʃəz ˈæz ˈʃi ˈwɛnt ˈtu ˈsɫip ˈʃi ˈsæŋ @maama @maama @maama ˈju ˈɫɛft ˈmi ˈju ˈɫɛft ˈmi ˈænd ˈnɛvɝ ˈkeɪm ˈbæk ˈfɑðɝ ˈdəzən ˈɫəv ˈmi ˌɛniˈmɔɹ ˈməðɝ ˈhwɛn ˈɑɹ ˈju ˈkəmɪŋ ˈbæk ˈju ˈɫɛft ˈmi

The next morning, Simbegwire sang the song again. When the women came to wash their clothes at the stream, they heard the sad song coming from the tall tree. They thought it was only the wind rustling the leaves, and carried on with their work. But one of the women listened very carefully to the song.

The next morning, Simbegwire sang the song again. When the women came to wash their clothes at the stream, they heard the sad song coming from the tall tree. They thought it was only the wind rustling the leaves, and carried on with their work. But one of the women listened very carefully to the song.

ˈðə ˈnɛks ˈmɔɹnɪŋ @simbegwire ˈsæŋ ˈðə ˈsɔŋ əˈɡeɪn ˈhwɛn ˈðə ˈwɪmən ˈkeɪm ˈtu ˈwɑʃ ˈðɛɹ ˈkɫoʊðz ˈæt ˈðə ˈstɹim ˈðeɪ ˈhɝd ˈðə ˈsæd ˈsɔŋ ˈkəmɪŋ ˈfɹəm ˈðə ˈtɔɫ ˈtɹi ˈðeɪ ˈθɔt ˈɪt ˈwɑz ˈoʊnɫi ˈðə ˈwaɪnd ˈɹəsɫɪŋ ˈðə ˈɫivz ˈænd ˈkæɹid ˈɑn ˈwɪð ˈðɛɹ ˈwɝk ˈbət ˈwən ˈəv ˈðə ˈwɪmən ˈɫɪsənd ˈvɛɹi ˈkɛɹfəɫi ˈtu ˈðə ˈsɔŋ

This woman looked up into the tree. When she saw the girl and the pieces of colourful blanket, she cried, “Simbegwire, my brother’s child!” The other women stopped washing and helped Simbegwire to climb down from the tree. Her aunt hugged the little girl and tried to comfort her.

This woman looked up into the tree. When she saw the girl and the pieces of colourful blanket, she cried, “Simbegwire, my brother’s child!” The other women stopped washing and helped Simbegwire to climb down from the tree. Her aunt hugged the little girl and tried to comfort her.

ˈðɪs ˈwʊmən ˈɫʊkt ˈəp ˈɪntu ˈðə ˈtɹi ˈhwɛn ˈʃi ˈsɔ ˈðə ˈɡɝɫ ˈænd ˈðə ˈpisəz ˈəv ˈkəɫɝfəɫ ˈbɫæŋkət ˈʃi ˈkɹaɪd @simbegwire ˈmaɪ ˈbɹəðɝz ˈtʃaɪɫd ˈðə ˈəðɝ ˈwɪmən ˈstɑpt ˈwɑʃɪŋ ˈænd ˈhɛɫpt @simbegwire ˈtu ˈkɫaɪm ˈdaʊn ˈfɹəm ˈðə ˈtɹi ˈhɝ ˈænt ˈhəɡd ˈðə ˈɫɪtəɫ ˈɡɝɫ ˈænd ˈtɹaɪd ˈtu ˈkəmfɝt ˈhɝ

Simbegwire’s aunt took the child to her own house. She gave Simbegwire warm food, and tucked her in bed with her mother’s blanket. That night, Simbegwire cried as she went to sleep. But they were tears of relief. She knew her aunt would look after her.

Simbegwire’s aunt took the child to her own house. She gave Simbegwire warm food, and tucked her in bed with her mother’s blanket. That night, Simbegwire cried as she went to sleep. But they were tears of relief. She knew her aunt would look after her.

@simbegwire’s ˈænt ˈtʊk ˈðə ˈtʃaɪɫd ˈtu ˈhɝ ˈoʊn ˈhaʊs ˈʃi ˈɡeɪv @simbegwire ˈwɔɹm ˈfud ˈænd ˈtəkt ˈhɝ ˈɪn ˈbɛd ˈwɪð ˈhɝ ˈməðɝz ˈbɫæŋkət ˈðæt ˈnaɪt @simbegwire ˈkɹaɪd ˈæz ˈʃi ˈwɛnt ˈtu ˈsɫip ˈbət ˈðeɪ ˈwɝ ˈtɛɹz ˈəv ɹiˈɫif ˈʃi ˈnju ˈhɝ ˈænt ˈwʊd ˈɫʊk ˈæftɝ ˈhɝ

When Simbegwire’s father returned home, he found her room empty. “What happened, Anita?” he asked with a heavy heart. The woman explained that Simbegwire had run away. “I wanted her to respect me,” she said. “But perhaps I was too strict.” Simbegwire’s father left the house and went in the direction of the stream. He continued to his sister’s village to find out if she had seen Simbegwire.

When Simbegwire’s father returned home, he found her room empty. “What happened, Anita?” he asked with a heavy heart. The woman explained that Simbegwire had run away. “I wanted her to respect me,” she said. “But perhaps I was too strict.” Simbegwire’s father left the house and went in the direction of the stream. He continued to his sister’s village to find out if she had seen Simbegwire.

ˈhwɛn @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ɹiˈtɝnd ˈhoʊm ˈhi ˈfaʊnd ˈhɝ ˈɹum ˈɛmpti ˈhwət ˈhæpənd əˈnitə ˈhi ˈæskt ˈwɪð ˈeɪ ˈhɛvi ˈhɑɹt ˈðə ˈwʊmən ɪksˈpɫeɪnd ˈðæt @simbegwire ˈhæd ˈɹən əˈweɪ ˈaɪ ˈwɔntɪd ˈhɝ ˈtu ɹiˈspɛkt ˈmi ˈʃi ˈsɛd ˈbət pɝˈhæps ˈaɪ ˈwɑz ˈtu ˈstɹɪkt @simbegwire’s ˈfɑðɝ ˈɫɛft ˈðə ˈhaʊs ˈænd ˈwɛnt ˈɪn ˈðə daɪˈɹɛkʃɪn ˈəv ˈðə ˈstɹim ˈhi kənˈtɪnjud ˈtu ˈhɪz ˈsɪstɝz ˈvɪɫədʒ ˈtu ˈfaɪnd ˈaʊt ˈɪf ˈʃi ˈhæd ˈsin @simbegwire

Simbegwire was playing with her cousins when she saw her father from far away. She was scared he might be angry, so she ran inside the house to hide. But her father went to her and said, “Simbegwire, you have found a perfect mother for yourself. One who loves you and understands you. I am proud of you and I love you.” They agreed that Simbegwire would stay with her aunt as long as she wanted to.

Simbegwire was playing with her cousins when she saw her father from far away. She was scared he might be angry, so she ran inside the house to hide. But her father went to her and said, “Simbegwire, you have found a perfect mother for yourself. One who loves you and understands you. I am proud of you and I love you.” They agreed that Simbegwire would stay with her aunt as long as she wanted to.

@simbegwire ˈwɑz ˈpɫeɪɪŋ ˈwɪð ˈhɝ ˈkəzənz ˈhwɛn ˈʃi ˈsɔ ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈfɹəm ˈfɑɹ əˈweɪ ˈʃi ˈwɑz ˈskɛɹd ˈhi ˈmaɪt ˈbi ˈæŋɡɹi ˈsoʊ ˈʃi ˈɹæn ˈɪnˌsaɪd ˈðə ˈhaʊs ˈtu ˈhaɪd ˈbət ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈwɛnt ˈtu ˈhɝ ˈænd ˈsɛd @simbegwire ˈju ˈhæv ˈfaʊnd ˈeɪ ˈpɝˌfɪkt ˈməðɝ ˈfɔɹ ˈjɔɹsɛɫf ˈwən ˈhu ˈɫəvz ˈju ˈænd ˌəndɝˈstændz ˈju ˈaɪ ˈæm ˈpɹaʊd ˈəv ˈju ˈænd ˈaɪ ˈɫəv ˈju ˈðeɪ əˈɡɹid ˈðæt @simbegwire ˈwʊd ˈsteɪ ˈwɪð ˈhɝ ˈænt ˈæz ˈɫɔŋ ˈæz ˈʃi ˈwɔntɪd ˈtu

Her father visited her every day. Eventually, he came with Anita. She reached out for Simbegwire’s hand. “I’m so sorry little one, I was wrong,” she cried. “Will you let me try again?” Simbegwire looked at her father and his worried face. Then she stepped forward slowly and put her arms around Anita.

Her father visited her every day. Eventually, he came with Anita. She reached out for Simbegwire’s hand. “I’m so sorry little one, I was wrong,” she cried. “Will you let me try again?” Simbegwire looked at her father and his worried face. Then she stepped forward slowly and put her arms around Anita.

ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈvɪzɪtɪd ˈhɝ ˈɛvɝi ˈdeɪ iˈvɛnʃəɫi ˈhi ˈkeɪm ˈwɪð əˈnitə ˈʃi ˈɹitʃt ˈaʊt ˈfɔɹ @simbegwire’s ˈhænd ˈaɪm ˈsoʊ ˈsɑɹi ˈɫɪtəɫ ˈwən ˈaɪ ˈwɑz ˈɹɔŋ ˈʃi ˈkɹaɪd ˈwɪɫ ˈju ˈɫɛt ˈmi ˈtɹaɪ əˈɡeɪn @simbegwire ˈɫʊkt ˈæt ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈænd ˈhɪz ˈwɝid ˈfeɪs ˈðɛn ˈʃi ˈstɛpt ˈfɔɹwɝd ˈsɫoʊɫi ˈænd ˈpʊt ˈhɝ ˈɑɹmz ɝˈaʊn əˈnitə

The next week, Anita invited Simbegwire, with her cousins and aunt, to the house for a meal. What a feast! Anita prepared all of Simbegwire’s favourite foods, and everyone ate until they were full. Then the children played while the adults talked. Simbegwire felt happy and brave. She decided that soon, very soon, she would return home to live with her father and her stepmother.

The next week, Anita invited Simbegwire, with her cousins and aunt, to the house for a meal. What a feast! Anita prepared all of Simbegwire’s favourite foods, and everyone ate until they were full. Then the children played while the adults talked. Simbegwire felt happy and brave. She decided that soon, very soon, she would return home to live with her father and her stepmother.

ˈðə ˈnɛks ˈwik əˈnitə ˌɪnˈvaɪtəd @simbegwire ˈwɪð ˈhɝ ˈkəzənz ˈænd ˈænt ˈtu ˈðə ˈhaʊs ˈfɔɹ ˈeɪ ˈmiɫ ˈhwət ˈeɪ ˈfist əˈnitə pɹiˈpɛɹd ˈɔɫ ˈəv @simbegwire’s ˈfeɪvɝɪt ˈfudz ˈænd ˈɛvɹiˌwən ˈeɪt ənˈtɪɫ ˈðeɪ ˈwɝ ˈfʊɫ ˈðɛn ˈðə ˈtʃɪɫdɹən ˈpɫeɪd ˈhwaɪɫ ˈðə ˈædəɫts ˈtɔkt @simbegwire ˈfɛɫt ˈhæpi ˈænd ˈbɹeɪv ˈʃi ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd ˈðæt ˈsun ˈvɛɹi ˈsun ˈʃi ˈwʊd ɹiˈtɝn ˈhoʊm ˈtu ˈɫaɪv ˈwɪð ˈhɝ ˈfɑðɝ ˈænd ˈhɝ ˈstɛpˌməðɝ

Written by: Rukia Nantale
Illustrated by: Benjamin Mitchley
Read by: Darshan Soni
Language: English
Level 5
Source: Simbegwire from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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