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닭과 독수리 Hen and Eagle Poule et Aigle

Written by Ann Nduku

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Michelle Kim

Read by Scarlet Kim

Language Korean

Level Level 3

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옛날 옛적에, 닭과 독수리는 친구였어요. 그들은 다른 새들과 평화롭게 살았죠. 아무도 날 수 없었어요.

Once upon a time, Hen and Eagle were friends. They lived in peace with all the other birds. None of them could fly.

Il était une fois deux amies: Poule et Aigle. Elles habitaient en paix avec tous les autres oiseaux. Pas un seul ne pouvait voler.

어느 날, 땅에 먹을 게 더이상 없게 되었어요. 독수리는 먹을 것을 찾으러 아주 멀리 걸어 갔어요. 그녀는 지쳐서 돌아왔어요. “분명히 더 쉽게 가는 방법이 있을꺼야!” 라고 독수리가 말했어요.

One day, there was famine in the land. Eagle had to walk very far to find food. She came back very tired. “There must be an easier way to travel!” said Eagle.

Un jour, il y a eu une famine dans le pays. Aigle devait marcher très loin pour trouver de la nourriture. Elle revenait épuisée. « Il doit y avoir une façon plus simple de voyager ! » dit Aigle.

하룻밤을 잘 자고 나서, 닭은 좋은 생각이 났어요. 그녀는 다른 새들한테서 떨어진 깃털을 줍기 시작했어요. “우리 이 주운 깃털들을 우리 깃털에 붙이자, 그러면 우리가 멀리 다니는게 더 쉬워 질거야.” 라고 닭이 말했어요.

After a good night’s sleep, Hen had a brilliant idea. She began collecting the fallen feathers from all their bird friends. “Let’s sew them together on top of our own feathers,” she said. “Perhaps that will make it easier to travel.”

Après une bonne nuit de sommeil, Poule eut une idée de génie. Elle commença à recueillir les plumes tombées de tous leurs amis oiseaux. « Cousons-les ensemble par-dessus nos propres plumes, » dit-elle. « Peut-être que cela rendra nos voyages plus faciles. »

그 마을에서 독수리만 바늘을 가지고 있어서 독수리가 처음으로 바느질을 시작했어요. 그녀는 아름다운 날개들을 만들고 닭위로 높이 날았어요. 닭은 바늘을 빌렸지만 바느질이 싫증났어요. 그녀는 바늘을 찬장위에 올려놓고 애들에게 먹을 것을 해주려고 부엌에 들어 갔어요.

Eagle was the only one in the village with a needle, so she started sewing first. She made herself a pair of beautiful wings and flew high above Hen. Hen borrowed the needle but she soon got tired of sewing. She left the needle on the cupboard and went into the kitchen to prepare food for her children.

Aigle était la seule dans le village qui avait une aiguille, alors elle commença à coudre la première. Elle se fabriqua une belle paire d’ailes et vola au-dessus de Poule. Poule emprunta l’aiguille, mais elle se fatigua de coudre. Elle laissa l’aiguille sur l’armoire et se rendit dans la cuisine pour préparer de la nourriture pour ses enfants.

하지만 다른 새들은 독수리가 날아가는 것을 봤어요. 그들도 날개를 만들려고 닭에게 바늘을 빌려 달라고 했어요. 곧 새들은 하늘 곳곳을 날았어요.

But the other birds had seen Eagle flying away. They asked Hen to lend them the needle to make wings for themselves too. Soon there were birds flying all over the sky.

Mais les autres oiseaux avaient vu Aigle s’envoler. Ils demandèrent à Poule de leur prêter l’aiguille pour qu’ils puissent se faire des ailes aussi. Bientôt il y avait des oiseaux qui volaient partout dans le ciel.

마지막 새가 바늘을 돌려 주려고 했을때 닭은 그곳에 없었어요. 그래서 병아리들이 바늘을 받아 갖고 놀기 시작 했어요. 노는 것이 싫증이 났을때, 바늘을 모래에 두고 왔어요.

When the last bird returned the borrowed needle, Hen was not there. So her children took the needle and started playing with it. When they got tired of the game, they left the needle in the sand.

Quand le dernier oiseau retourna l’aiguille empruntée, Poule n’était pas là. Donc, ses enfants prirent l’aiguille et commencèrent à jouer avec elle. Lorsqu’ils se fatiguèrent de ce jeu, ils laissèrent l’aiguille dans le sable.

그날 오후, 독수리가 돌아왔어요. 그녀는 여행 중 느슨해 진 날개를 고치려고 바늘을 돌려 달라고 했어요. 닭은 찬장 위를 찾아보고 부엌도 찾아보고 마당까지 찾아 봤어요. 하지만 그 바늘을 찾을 수 없었어요.

Later that afternoon, Eagle returned. She asked for the needle to fix some feathers that had loosened on her journey. Hen looked on the cupboard. She looked in the kitchen. She looked in the yard. But the needle was nowhere to be found.

Plus tard cet après-midi-là, Aigle revint. Elle demanda d’avoir l’aiguille pour réparer quelques plumes qui s’étaient desserrées durant son voyage. Poule jeta un coup d’œil sur l’armoire. Elle regarda dans la cuisine. Elle regarda dans la cour. Mais on ne pouvait pas trouver l’aiguille.

“나에게 하루만 줘, 그러면 네가 날개를 고치고 다시 음식을 찾으러 날아갈 수 있어.” 라고 닭이 독수리에게 부탁했어요. “그럼 하루만이야, 만약 네가 그 바늘을 찾지 못하면, 너의 병아리들 중 한마리를 줘야돼.” 라고 독수리가 말했어요.

“Just give me a day,” Hen begged Eagle. “Then you can fix your wing and fly away to get food again.” “Just one more day,” said Eagle. “If you can’t find the needle, you’ll have to give me one of your chicks as payment.”

« Donne-moi un autre jour, » Poule supplia Aigle. « Ensuite, tu pourras réparer ton aile et t’envoler pour aller chercher de la nourriture encore une fois. » « Seulement un autre jour, » dit Aigle. « Si tu ne peux pas trouver l’aiguille, tu devras me donner un de tes poussins comme paiement. »

다음날 독수리가 왔을때, 닭은 모래를 파헤치고 있었어요. 하지만 바늘은 없었죠. 그래서 독수리는 아주 빠르게 날아와 병아리 한마리를 잡고 멀리 사라 졌어요. 그 다음 부터 독수리는 나타날 때 마다 모래를 파헤치고 있는 닭을 봤어요.

When Eagle came the next day, she found Hen scratching in the sand, but no needle. So Eagle flew down very fast and caught one of the chicks. She carried it away. Forever after that, whenever Eagle appears, she finds Hen scratching in the sand for the needle.

Quand Aigle arriva le jour suivant, elle trouva Poule en train de gratter dans le sable, mais pas d’aiguille. Alors, Aigle descendit très vite en vol, attrapa un des poussins et l’emporta avec elle. À jamais après cela, chaque fois qu’Aigle apparaît, elle trouve Poule qui gratte dans le sable pour essayer de retrouver l’aiguille.

독수리 날개의 그림자가 땅에 나타날때, 닭은 병아리들에게 충고했어요. “이 아무것도 없는 땅에서 부터 피해.” 그러자 병아리들이 대답했어요. “우리는 바보가 아니에요. 우리는 도망갈 거에요.”

As the shadow of Eagle’s wing falls on the ground, Hen warns her chicks. “Get out of the bare and dry land.” And they respond: “We are not fools. We will run.”

Lorsque l’ombre de l’aile d’Aigle tombe par terre, Poule avertit ses poussins. « Tassez-vous du terrain sec et dégagé. » Et ils répondent, « Nous ne sommes pas imbéciles. Nous courrons. »

Written by: Ann Nduku
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Michelle Kim
Read by: Scarlet Kim
Language: Korean
Level 3
Source: Hen and Eagle from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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