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Mira a los animales 이 동물들을 보세요

Written by Jenny Katz

Illustrated by Sandy Campbell

Translated by Karina Vásquez

Read by Áurea Vericat

Language Spanish

Level Level 1

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Mira a los animales.

이 동물들을 보세요.

La vaca dice, “Muu.”

소는 “음메” 라고 해요.

La cabra dice, “Be, be.”

염소는 “메헤헤헤, 메헤헤.”

El caballo dice, “Hin.”

말은 “히히히힝.”

El cerdo dice, “Oink-oink.”

돼지는 “꿀꿀.”

La gallina dice, “Cló-cló.”

닭은 “꼬꼬.”

El perro dice, “Guau.”

개는 “멍멍.”

El granjero dice, “¡Chsss!”

농부는 “쉿!” 이라 말해요.

Written by: Jenny Katz
Illustrated by: Sandy Campbell
Translated by: Karina Vásquez
Read by: Áurea Vericat
Language: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Source: Look at the animals from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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