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ውሳኔ Decision Disizhan

Written by Ursula Nafula

Illustrated by Vusi Malindi

Translated by Mezemir Girma

Read by Abenezer Chane

Language Amharic

Level Level 2

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መንደሬ ብዙ ችግር ነበረባት። ውሃ ከቦኖ ለመቅዳት ረጅም ሰልፍ እንሰለፍ ነበር።

My village had many problems. We made a long line to fetch water from one tap.

Fi mi vilij di av uoliip a prablem. Wi did afi mek wahn lang lain fi kech waata fram wan paip.

በሌሎች ሰዎች የሚሰጠንን ምግብ እንጠብቅ ነበር።

We waited for food donated by others.

Wi did afi wiet pan frii fuud we ada piipl gi wi.

ሌባ ፍራቻ ቤቶቻችንን በጊዜ እንዘጋ ነበር።

We locked our houses early because of thieves.

Wi yuus tu lak op wi ous orli kaaz a tiif.

ብዙ ልጆች ትምህርታቸውን ያቋርጡ ነበር።

Many children dropped out of school.

Uoliip a pikni jrap out a skuul.

ወጣት ሴቶች በሌሎች መንደሮች ውስጥ በሰራተኝነት ያገለግሉ ነበር።

Young girls worked as maids in other villages.

Yong gyal pikni yuus tu du elpa wok ina di ada vilij dem.

ግማሾቹ ወንዶች ልጆች በየሰፈሩ እየዞሩ ሲውሉ፤ ሌሎቹ ደግሞ በሰው ማሳ ላይ ያገለግሉ ነበር።

Young boys roamed around the village while others worked on people’s farms.

Yong bwaai pikni aigl roun di vilij wail som a dem du wok pan ada piipl faam.

ነፋስ በነፈሰ ቁጥር ቆሻሻ ወረቀት በየአጥሩና በየዛፉ ላይ ይንጠለጠል ነበር።

When the wind blew, waste paper hung on trees and fences.

Wen di briiz bluo, gyaabij eng aaf a di chrii dem an fens dem.

ሰዎችን በጥንቃቄ ጉድለት የተጣለ ብርጭቆ ይቆርጣቸው ነበር።

People were cut by broken glass that was thrown carelessly.

Piipl wuda get kot fram brok glaas we dash we kielis.

አንድ ቀን ውሃው ቆመና የውሃ መያዣዎቻችን ባዶ ቀሩ።

Then one day, the tap dried up and our containers were empty.

Den wan die, di paip jrai op an wi kantiena dem did emti.

አባቴ ሰዎች በመንደር ስብሰባ ላይ እንዲገኙ ለመቀስቀስ ከቤት ቤት ዞረ።

My father walked from house to house asking people to attend a village meeting.

Mi faada go fram yaad tu yaad an aks piipl fi kom a wahn vilij miitn.

ሰዎች ከአንድ ትልቅ ዛፍ ስር ተቀምጠው ያዳምጡ ጀመር።

People gathered under a big tree and listened.

Piipl gyada tugeda anda wahn big chrii an lisn.

አባቴ ተነስቶ ‹‹እነዚህን ችግሮቻችንን ለመፍታት በጋራ መስራት ይኖርብናል›› አለ።

My father stood up and said, “We need to work together to solve our problems.”

Mi faada git op an se, “wi afi wok tugeda fi fiks wi prablem dem.”

ግንድ ላይ የተቀመጠው የስምንት ዓመቱ ዓመቱ ጁማ ‹‹እኔ በማጽዳት እረዳለሁ›› ሲል ተናገረ።

Eight-year-old Juma, sitting on a tree trunk shouted, “I can help with cleaning up.”

Iet-iez-uol Juuma, siddong pan wahn stomp an baal out se, “Mi kyan elp fi kliin op.”

አንዲት ሴትዮም ‹‹ሴቶቹ ከኔ ጋር እህል መዝራት ላይ መሰማራት ይችላሉ›› አሉ።

One woman said, “The women can join me to grow food.”

Wan uman se, “Di uman dem kyan kom tugeda wid mi fi plaant fuud.”

ሌላ ሰውዬ ተነሳና ‹‹እኛ ወንዶቹ ጉድጓድ መቆፈር እንችላለን›› አለ።

Another man stood up and said, “The men will dig a well.”

Wan neks man git op an se, “Di man dem wi dig wahn wel.”

ሁላችንም በአንድ ድምጽ ‹‹ህይወታችንን መቀየር ይኖርብናል›› በማለት ጮህን። ከዚያች ቀን ጀምረን ችግሮቻችንን ለመፍታት አብረን እንሰራ ጀመር።

We all shouted with one voice, “We must change our lives.” From that day we worked together to solve our problems.

Aal a wi baal out tugeda, “Wi afi chienj ou wi liv.” Fram dat die, wi wok tugeda fi fiks wi prablem dem.

Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Mezemir Girma
Read by: Abenezer Chane
Language: Amharic
Level: Level 2
Source: Decision from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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