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Look at the animals Se på dyrene

Skrevet af Jenny Katz

Illustreret af Sandy Campbell

Læst af Darshan Soni

Sprog engelsk

Niveau Niveau 1

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Look at the animals.

Se på dyrene.

The cow says, “Moo.”

Koen siger “muh”.

The goat says, “Meh, meh.”

Geden siger “bæh, bæh”.

The horse says, “Neigh.”

Hesten siger “pruh”.

The pig says, “Grunt.”

Grisen siger “øf”.

The chicken says, “Cluck.”

Hønen siger “gok”.

The dog says, “Woof.”

Hunden siger “vov”.

The farmer says, “Shhh!”

Landmanden siger “ssh!”

Skrevet af: Jenny Katz
Illustreret af: Sandy Campbell
Læst af: Darshan Soni
Sprog: engelsk
Niveau: Niveau 1
Kilde: Look at the animals fra African Storybook
Creative Commons licens
Dette værk er licenseret under en Creative Commons Navngivelse-NonCommercial 3.0 International licens.
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