Odongo e Apiyo viviam na cidade com seu pai. Eles aguardavam ansiosos pelas férias. Não só porque a escola iria fechar, mas também porque eles iriam visitar a avó deles. Ela vivia numa aldeia de pescadores perto de um lago.
Odongo and Apiyo lived in the city with their father. They looked forward to the holidays. Not just because school was closed, but because they went to visit their grandmother. She lived in a fishing village near a large lake.
Odongo et Apiyo vivaient dans la ville avec leur père. Ils avaient hâte aux vacances. Non seulement parce que l’école serait fermée, mais parce qu’ils iraient rendre visite à leur grand-mère. Elle vivait dans un village de pêche près d’un grand lac.
Odongo e Apiyo estavam animados porque era a época de visitar sua avó novamente. Na noite anterior, fizeram suas malas e se prepararam para a longa jornada até a aldeia. Mal conseguiram dormir e conversaram a noite inteira sobre as férias.
Odongo and Apiyo were excited because it was time to visit their grandmother again. The night before, they packed their bags and got ready for the long journey to her village. They could not sleep and talked the whole night about the holiday.
Odongo et Apiyo avaient hâte parce que c’était à nouveau le temps de rendre visite à leur grand-mère. La veille, ils ont fait leurs valises et se sont préparés pour le long voyage jusqu’à son village. Ils ne pouvaient pas dormir et ils ont parlé toute la nuit à propos des vacances.
Cedinho, na manhã seguinte, foram para a aldeia de carro com seu pai. Passaram por montanhas, animais selvagens e plantações de chá. Contaram carros e cantaram.
Early the next morning, they left for the village in their father’s car. They drove past mountains, wild animals and tea plantations. They counted cars and sang songs.
Tôt le lendemain matin, ils sont partis vers le village dans la voiture de leur père. Ils ont vu des montagnes, des animaux sauvages et des plantations de thé. Ils ont compté les voitures et ont chanté des chansons.
Depois de um tempo, as crianças estavam tão cansadas que pegaram no sono.
After a while, the children were tired and fell asleep.
Après un certain temps, les enfants se sont endormis, fatigués.
O pai acordou Odongo e Apiyo quando chegaram na aldeia. Eles encontraram Nyar-Kanyada – sua avó, descansando numa esteira debaixo de uma árvore. Nyar-Kanyada em Luo, significa ‘filha do povo de Kanyada’. Ela era uma mulher forte e bonita.
Father woke up Odongo and Apiyo as they arrived in the village. They found Nyar-Kanyada, their grandmother, resting on a mat under a tree. Nyar-Kanyada in Luo, means ‘daughter of the people of Kanyada’. She was a strong and beautiful woman.
Papa réveilla Odongo et Apiyo lorsqu’ils arrivèrent au village. Ils ont trouvé leur grand-mère Nyar-Kanyada assise sous un arbre. En luo, Nyar-Kanyada veut dire « fille du peuple de Kanyada ». C’ était une femme belle et forte.
Nyar-Kanyada recebeu-lhes dentro de sua casa e dançou em volta do quarto, cantando de alegria. Seus netos estavam animados para lhe dar os presentes que compraram para ela na cidade. “Primeiro abra o meu presente,” disse Odongo. “Não, meu presente primeiro!” disse Apiyo.
Nyar-Kanyada welcomed them into the house and danced around the room singing with joy. Her grandchildren were excited to give her the presents they brought from the city. “First open my gift,” said Odongo. “No, my gift first!” said Apiyo.
Nyar-Kanyada les a accueillis dans sa maison et a dansé tout autour de la salle en chantant de bonheur. Ses petits-enfants avaient hâte de lui donner les cadeaux qu’ils avaient apportés de la ville. « Ouvre mon cadeau en premier, » dit Odongo. « Non, ouvre le mien en premier ! » dit Apiyo.
Após ela abrir os presentes, Nyar-Kanyada tradicionalmente abençoou seus netos.
After she opened the presents, Nyar-Kanyada blessed her grandchildren in a traditional way.
Après avoir ouvert ses cadeaux, Nyar-Kanyada donna une bénédiction traditionnelle à ses petits-enfants.
Então, Odongo e Apiyo saíram para rua. Perseguiram borboletas e pássaros.
Then Odongo and Apiyo went outside. They chased butterflies and birds.
Ensuite, Odongo et Apiyo sont sortis dehors. Ils ont poursuivi des papillons et des oiseaux.
Subiram em árvores e se atiraram na água do rio.
They climbed trees and splashed in the water of the lake.
Ils ont grimpé aux arbres et se sont éclaboussés dans l’eau du lac.
Quando escureceu, voltaram para casa para o jantar. Antes mesmo de terminar de comer, caíram no sono!
When it was dark they returned to the house for dinner. Before they could finish eating, they were falling asleep!
Quand la nuit tomba ils retournèrent à la maison pour souper. Ils se sont endormis avant même de finir de manger!
No dia seguinte, o pai voltou dirigindo para cidade e deixou as crianças com Nyar-Kanyada.
The next day, the children’s father drove back to the city leaving them with Nyar-Kanyada.
Le lendemain, le père des enfants est retourné à la ville, les laissant avec Nyar-Kanyada.
Odongo e Apiyo ajudaram sua avó com as tarefas de casa. Buscaram água e lenha. Coletaram os ovos das galinhas e apanharam salada do jardim.
Odongo and Apiyo helped their grandmother with household chores. They fetched water and firewood. They collected eggs from the chickens and picked greens from the garden.
Odongo et Apiyo ont aidé leur grand-mère à faire les tâches ménagères. Ils sont allés chercher de l’eau et du bois de chauffage. Ils ont ramassé les œufs des poules et ont cueilli des herbes aromatiques dans le jardin.
Nyar-Kanyada ensinou seus netos a fazer mingau de fubá para comer com guisado. Ela mostrou para eles como fazer arroz de coco para comer com peixe assado.
Nyar-Kanyada taught her grandchildren to make soft ugali to eat with stew. She showed them how to make coconut rice to eat with roast fish.
Nyar-Kanyada a montré à ses petits-enfants comment faire de l’ugali mou pour manger avec du ragoût. Elle leur a montré comment faire du riz de noix de coco pour manger avec du poisson grillé.
Numa manhã, Odongo levou as vacas da avó para pastar. Elas correram para a fazenda de um vizinho. O fazendeiro ficou brabo com Odongo. Ele ameaçou de ficar com as vacas por comer sua colheita. Depois daquele dia, o menino certificou-se que as vacas não se metessem em confusão.
One morning, Odongo took his grandmother’s cows to graze. They ran onto a neighbour’s farm. The farmer was angry with Odongo. He threatened to keep the cows for eating his crops. After that day, the boy made sure that the cows did not get into trouble again.
Un matin, Odongo a mené paître les vaches de sa grand-mère. Elles ont couru dans la ferme d’un voisin. Le fermier était fâché envers Odongo. Il a menacé de garder les vaches parce qu’elles avaient mangé ses récoltes. À partir de ce jour-là, le garçon a veillé à ce que les vaches ne fassent pas d’autres bêtises.
No outro dia, as crianças foram ao mercado com Nyar-Kanyada. Ela tinha uma barraca em que vendia legumes, açúcar e sabão. Apiyo gostava de dizer o preço das mercadorias para os clientes. Odongo empacotava as mercadorias que os clientes compravam.
On another day, the children went to the marketplace with Nyar-Kanyada. She had a stall selling vegetables, sugar and soap. Apiyo liked to tell customers the price of items. Odongo would pack the items that customers bought.
Un autre jour, les enfants sont allés au marché avec Nyar-Kanyada. Elle avait un stand pour vendre des légumes, du sucre et du savon. Apiyo aimait donner le prix des articles aux clients. Odongo emballait ce que les clients achetaient.
No final do dia, tomavam chá juntos e ajudavam a avó a contar o dinheiro que ela recebeu.
At the end of the day they drank chai tea together. They helped grandmother to count the money she earned.
À la fin de la journée, ils ont bu du thé chai ensemble. Ils ont aidé leur grand-mère à compter l’argent qu’elle avait gagné.
Mas logo as féria acabaram e as crianças tinham que voltar para a cidade. Nyar-Kanyada deu um boné para Odongo e um blusão para Apiyo. Ela embrulhou comida para a viagem.
But too soon the holidays were over and the children had to go back to the city. Nyar-Kanyada gave Odongo a cap and Apiyo a sweater. She packed food for their journey.
Trop tôt, les vacances étaient terminées et les enfants devaient retourner à la ville. Nyar-Kanyada donna une casquette à Odongo et un chandail à Apiyo. Elle emballa de la nourriture pour leur voyage.
Quando seu pai chegou para pegá-los, eles não queriam ir embora. As crianças imploraram Nyar-Kanyada para ir com eles para a cidade. Ela sorriu e disse, “Estou muito velha para a cidade. Ficarei esperando vocês virem para a aldeia novamente.”
When their father came to fetch them, they did not want to leave. The children begged Nyar-Kanyada to go with them to the city. She smiled and said, “I am too old for the city. I will be waiting for you to come to my village again.”
Quand leur père est venu les chercher, ils ne voulaient pas partir. Les enfants ont supplié Nyar-Kanyada de venir avec eux à la ville. Elle sourit et dit, « Je suis trop vieille pour la ville. J’attendrai votre retour à mon village. »
Odongo e Apiyo abraçaram ela bem apertado e disseram tchau.
Odongo and Apiyo both hugged her tightly and said goodbye.
Odongo et Apiyo l’ont tous les deux embrassée fort et lui ont dit au revoir.
Quando Odongo e Apiyo voltaram à escola, eles contaram para seus amigos sobre a vida na aldeia. Alguma crianças acharam que a vida na cidade era boa. Outras acharam que a vida na aldeia era melhor. Mas mais que tudo, todos concordaram que Odongo e Apiyo tinham uma avó maravilhosa!
When Odongo and Apiyo went back to school they told their friends about life in the village. Some children felt that life in the city was good. Others felt that the village was better. But most of all, everyone agreed that Odongo and Apiyo had a wonderful grandmother!
Quand Odongo et Apiyo sont retournés à l’école ils ont raconté leurs histoires de la vie dans le village à leurs amis. Certains enfants croyaient que la vie en ville était bonne. D’autres étaient de l’avis que le village était meilleur. Et surtout, ils étaient tous d’accord que Odongo et Apiyo avaient une grand-mère merveilleuse !