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የሳኪማ መዝሙር Sakima's song La chanson de Sakima

Written by Ursula Nafula

Illustrated by Peris Wachuka

Translated by Dawit Girma

Read by Abenezer Chane

Language Amharic

Level Level 3

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ሳኪማ ከቤተሰቦቹና ከ4 ዓመት ታላቅ እህቱ ጋር ይኖራል። የሚኖሩት ባንድ ሃብታም ሰውዬ መሬት ላይ ነው። ባለሳር ክዳን ጎጇቸው በመደዳ ከበቀሉ ዛፎች ማዶ ትገኛለች።

Sakima lived with his parents and his four year old sister. They lived on a rich man’s land. Their grass-thatched hut was at the end of a row of trees.

Sakima vivait avec ses parents et sa petite sœur, qui avait quatre ans. Ils vivaient sur la terre d’un homme riche. Leur hutte à toit de chaume était située au bout d’un rang d’arbres.

ሳኪማ 3 ዓመት ሲሆነው ታመመና የዓይን ብርሃኑን አጣ። ሳኪማ ባለተሰጥኦ ልጅ ነበር።

When Sakima was three years old, he fell sick and lost his sight. Sakima was a talented boy.

Quand Sakima avait trois ans, il est tombé malade et a perdu la vue. Sakima était un garçon avec beaucoup de talent.

ሳኪማ የ6 ዓመት ልጆች እንኳ የማይሰሯቸውን በርካታ ነገሮችን ማድረግ ይችላል። ለምሳሌ ከመንደሩ ትልልቅ ሴቶች ጋ ቁጭ ብሎ ጠቃሚ ቁምነገሮችን ይወያያል።

Sakima did many things that other six year old boys did not do. For example, he could sit with older members of the village and discuss important matters.

Sakima faisait beaucoup de choses que d’autres garçons de six ans ne faisaient pas. Par exemple, il pouvait se tenir avec les membres plus âgés du village et discuter de questions importantes.

የሳኪማ ቤተሰቦች በሃብታሙ ሰው ቤት ውስጥ ይሰራሉ። ጠዋት በማለዳ ከቤታቸው ይወጡና ማታ ወደቤታቸው ይመለሳሉ። ሳኪማ ደግሞ ከትንሽ እህቱ ጋር ይቆያል።

The parents of Sakima worked at the rich man’s house. They left home early in the morning and returned late in the evening. Sakima was left with his little sister.

Les parents de Sakima travaillaient chez l’homme riche. Ils quittaient leur maison tôt le matin et revenaient tard le soir. Sakima restait seul chez eux avec sa petite sœur.

ሳኪማ መዝሙር መዘመር ይወዳል። አንድ ቀን እናቱ ጠየቀችው፣ ‹‹ከየት ነው እነዚህን መዝሙሮች የተማርካቸው ሳኪማ?››

Sakima loved to sing songs. One day his mother asked him, “Where do you learn these songs from, Sakima?”

Sakima adorait chanter des chansons. Un jour sa mère lui demanda, « Où apprends-tu à chanter ces chansons, Sakima? »

ሳኪማም መለሰ ‹‹ራሳቸው ይመጣሉ እማዬ። በጭንቅላቴ እሰማቸዋለሁ ከዚያም እዘምራለሁ።››

Sakima answered, “They just come, mother. I hear them in my head and then I sing.”

Sakima répondit, « Elles me viennent tout simplement, maman. Je les entends dans ma tête et ensuite je chante. »

ሳኪማ ለእህቱ ይዘምርላታል በተለይ ሲርባት ሲርባት። ተወዳጅ ዜማዎቹን ሲያዜም እህቱ ትሰማዋለች። ወዲያ ወዲህ እየተወዛወዘች በዜማው ትመሰጣለች።

Sakima liked to sing for his little sister, especially, if she felt hungry. His sister would listen to him singing his favourite song. She would sway to the soothing tune.

Sakima aimait chanter pour sa petite sœur, surtout si elle avait faim. Sa sœur l’écoutait chanter sa chanson préférée. Elle se balançait en écoutant la chanson apaisante.

‹‹ደግመህ ደጋግመህ ልታዜምልኝ ትችላለህ ሳኪማ›› እህቱ ለመነችው። ሳኪማም ጥያቄዋን ተቀብሎ እስኪበቃት ደጋግሞ አዜመላት።

“Can you sing it again and again, Sakima,” his sister would beg him. Sakima would accept and sing it over and over again.

« Peux-tu la chanter encore et encore, Sakima? » le suppliait sa sœur. Sakima acceptait et la chantait encore et encore.

አንድ ምሽት ቤተሰቦቹ ወደቤት ሲመለሱ በጣም ተክዘው ነበር። ሳኪማ የሆነ ነገር እንደተፈጠረ አወቀ።

One evening when his parents returned home, they were very quiet. Sakima knew that there was something wrong.

Un soir quand ses parents sont revenus chez eux, ils étaient très tranquilles. Sakima savait qu’il y avait un problème.

‹‹እማዬ፣ አባዬ ምንድነው? ምን ችግር አለ?›› ሳኪማ ጠየቀ። የሃብታሙ ሰው ልጅ መጥፋቱን ሳኪማ ተረዳ። ሰውዬው በጣም አዘነ፣ ብቸኝነትም ተሰማው።

“What is wrong, mother, father?” Sakima asked. Sakima learned that the rich man’s son was missing. The man was very sad and lonely.

« Qu’est-ce qu’il y a, maman et papa? » Sakima demanda. Sakima apprit que le fils de l’homme riche avait disparu. L’homme était très triste et seul.

‹‹አዜምለታለሁ። እንደገናም ደስተኛ ይሆናል›› አለ ሳኪማ ለቤተሰቦቹ። ቤተሰቦቹ ግን ጀሮ ዳባ ልበስ አሉት። ‹‹እሱ በጣም ሃብታም ነው። አንተ ደግሞ ተራ አይነ ስውር ነህ። የአንተ ዜማ የሚረዳው ይመስልሃል?››

“I can sing for him. He might be happy again,” Sakima told his parents. But his parents dismissed him. “He is very rich. You are only a blind boy. Do you think your song will help him?”

« Je peux chanter pour lui. Il redeviendra peut-être heureux, » dit Sakima à ses parents. Mais ses parents rejetèrent l’idée. « Il est très riche. Tu es seulement un garçon aveugle. Penses-tu vraiment que ta chanson l’aidera? »

ነገር ግን፣ ሳኪማ ተስፋ አልቆረጠም። ትንሷ እህቱም ትረዳዋለች። ‹‹የሳኪማ ዜማዎች በራበኝ ጊዜ ያረጋጉኛል። ሃብታሙን ሰውዬም እንዲሁ ያረጋጉታል።››

However, Sakima did not give up. His little sister supported him. She said, “Sakima’s songs soothe me when I am hungry. They will soothe the rich man too.”

Toutefois, Sakima ne démissionna pas. Sa petite sœur l’appuyait. Elle disait, « Les chansons de Sakima me calment quand j’ai faim. Elles calmeront l’homme riche aussi. »

በቀጣዩ ቀን ወደ ሃብታሙ ቤት መርታ እንድትወስደው ሳኪማ እህቱን ጠየቃት።

The following day, Sakima asked his little sister to lead him to the rich man’s house.

Le lendemain, Sakima demanda à sa petite sœur de le mener chez l’homme riche.

ከአንድ ትልቅ መስኮት በታች ቆሞ ተወዳጁን ዜማ አዜመ። ቀስ ብሎ የሃብታሙ ሰው ጭንቅላት በትልቁ መስኮት በኩል መታየት ጀመረ።

He stood below one big window and began to sing his favourite song. Slowly, the head of the rich man began to show through the big window.

Il se tint sous une grande fenêtre et commença à chanter sa chanson préférée. Lentement, la tête de l’homme riche apparu à la grande fenêtre.

ሰራተኞቹ እየሰሩ የነበረውን አቆሙ። የሳኪማን ቆንጅዬ ዜማ ማዳመጥ ጀመሩ። ነገር ግን አንድ ሰው እንዲህ አለ ‹‹ማንም ሰው ቢሆን አለቃችንን ሊያዝናናው ወይም ሊያጽናናው የሚችል የለም። ይሄ አይነ ስውር ልጅ የሚችል ይመስለዋል እንዴ?››

The workers stopped what they were doing. They listened to Sakima’s beautiful song. But one man said, “Nobody has been able to console the boss. Does this blind boy think he will console him?”

Les ouvriers arrêtèrent ce qu’ils faisaient. Ils écoutèrent la belle chanson de Sakima. Mais un homme dit, « Personne n’a été capable de consoler le patron. Est-ce que ce garçon aveugle pense qu’il pourra le consoler ? »

ሳኪማ ማዜሙን ጨረሰና ሊመለስ ሲል ሃብታሙ ሰውዬ ፈጥኖ ወጣና ‹‹እባክህ እንደገና አዚም›› አለው።

Sakima finished singing his song and turned to leave. But the rich man rushed out and said, “Please sing again.”

Sakima termina de chanter sa chanson et s’apprêtait à partir. Mais l’homme riche sortit en vitesse et dit, « S’il te plaît, chante encore. »

በዚያው ቅጽበት ሁለት ሰዎች በቃሬዛ አንድ ሰው ይዘው መጡ። የሃብታሙን ሰውዬ ልጅ ተነክሶ ጉዳት ደርሶበት መንገድ ዳር ወድቆ ነው ያገኙት።

At that very moment, two men came carrying someone on a stretcher. They had found the rich man’s son beaten up and left on the side of the road.

À ce moment, deux hommes sont arrivés en portant quelqu’un sur une civière. Ils avaient trouvé le fils de l’homme riche tabassé et abandonné sur le bord de la route.

ልጁን ደግሞ ስላየው ሃብታሙ ሰውዬ በጣም ተደሰተ። ምቾት ስለሰጠው ሳኪማ ተደሰተ። ከዚያ ልጁንና ሳኪማን ወደ ሃኪም ቤት ወሰዳቸው፤ ሳኪማም እንደገና አይኑ ማዬት ቻለ።

The rich man was so happy to see his son again. He rewarded Sakima for consoling him. He took his son and Sakima to hospital so Sakima could regain his sight.

L’homme riche fut tellement content de revoir son fils. Il récompensa Sakima de l’avoir consolé. Il emmena les deux garçons à l’hôpital pour que Sakima puisse retrouver la vue.

Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Peris Wachuka
Translated by: Dawit Girma
Read by: Abenezer Chane
Language: Amharic
Level: Level 3
Source: Sakima's song from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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